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I Am The Fire by Halestorm

Korra firebending gif

Chapter 15: Firestorm

THE HIGH THAT Kasai felt after her victory made her feel like the sun, so bright and ever-glowing. However, after that expulsion of azure flames, she felt so drained and burned out. Of course her body currently felt like it was on fire with her overheating side effect, but it was worth it.

She saw her father's expression, it was so full of annoyance and anger, but damn! It felt so good to rub her victory in his face. She sure showed him that she's no loser, that she's no failure. Heck, she doesn't know those words, they don't exist to her in this moment. She's a winner and she definitely feels like one.

Dropping her charred arms, the pale girl finally feels the pain of her burns. Wincing, Kasai bites her bottom lip and notices how severe the burns really are. Her turquoise eyes trail the skin on her arms that were once fair, but looking at them now, she sees dark streaks of burned patches. The bottoms or her palms, where her wrist meets hand, they're dark, almost a shade of black if she didn't notice the purple hints. Her forearms though, it's like they got blasted with fire and the flame splattered upwards. Her skin is completely charred.

Now, that the adrenaline of the match is fading, she has to bite her lip even more to stop herself from crying out with every movement she makes. The pain is unbelievable! Her white flames never hurt this much which reminds her that blue fire is extremely hotter, they're a whole different level of heat. This hurts now, but Kasai can't help but wonder about her older brother, Touya, who constantly dealt with blue fire. How did he handle the heat? Did he get burned?

Her memories of him never showed him in pain, maybe he hid that from her? She definitely wishes that he was here, she would especially want to hear some advice right now. Specifically on how to handle this new level of intense heat. He always knew how to help.

He sure helped her during the match. Kasai's memory of Touya reminded her of her potential, that she didn't need anyone's approval, she just needed support. Touya gave her that, and that's all she needed.

Were her actions against Shoto uncalled for? In a sense, yes. She didn't have to be so brutal with him, but this is still a competition after all. And nothing will get in the way of her getting first place. Will she be cruel in her endeavors? Yes. Will it be worth it? Definitely. However, deep down inside of her, very deep, she felt bad that she pushed her brother to use his flames when he didn't want to - especially when she remembers him saying that he would never use his fire side in battle. Maybe his fight against Midoriya was a one time only. Midoriya does have that effect to trigger people, heck when she fought against him in the cavalry battle his quirk extinguished her flames. Maybe they did the opposite to Shoto, making his flames burst to life? 

Maybe the audience was right, she did act a bit like a villain. 

But again, this is a competition, and nobody ever won with being nice. 

Huffing through her nose, she exhaled a streak of steam before walking off of the arena. Being careful not to move her arms, Kasai maneuvered through the halls of the stadium and made her way to the infirmary. Maybe Recovery Girl could do something about her burns, or at least ease the pain. 

Reaching the infirmary, she knocks before opening the door. It's not a big room, basically a regular patient room with a work station, drawers, cupboards, a privacy curtain and a single bed. On the bed she immediately notices the familiar form of her brother, who's currently unconscious. Looking at him, a frown settles on her lips as she takes note of his irritated red skin. To anyone else, it would look like he got a major sunburn, but Kasai knows differently. She did this to him. Taking a seat on a stool chair next to the bed, the younger Todoroki sighs dejectedly. 

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