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A/N: Sorry for the wait, also I apologize in advance if the chapter is lame.


WHEN WORD OF All Might teaching at UA got out, the press has been swarming the gates of the said school. So, when Kasai Todoroki made her way to the said entrance, she clenched her jaw in distaste. She spots different reporters sticking their microphones in student's faces, urging them to spill details about the number one hero.

Unfortunately, even thinking about the press brings attentions to oneself. One second she's clear of anything press related, and the next, she has a persistant lady in front of her. She glowers at the older woman who urges the microphone into her face.

"You, young lady, you look awfully familiar," the woman tells her, inching closer as if she just hit the goldmine.

Her turquoise eyes, the ones she shares with her father, they turn cold. "Maybe-

"It's your eyes! They're exactly like the number two hero's, Endeavor! Any relation," the woman exclaims with recognition.

Kasai glares for being cut off and getting exposed. "It's clearly obvious seeing as you just answered your own question," she sharply quips.

"This is great! Given your age I can tell that you're his daughter! This is what we needed. I'm sure you've noticed the rivalry between your father and All Might, can you tell us your opinion about the Number One Hero being a teacher here? What do you think," the lady asks very quickly, pushing the microphone towards the girl.

"What do I think," Kasai calmly asks. However, her emotions are quick to take a one-eighty, turning furious. Her hair ignites into white flames. "I think nothing of it because it's nothing special or important! You want to waste my time on silly gossip, then go to the man himself! Ask me one more stupid question, and I'll burn all your equipment," she seethes, making the lady and her crew flinch with her icy glare.

Turning on her heel, she huffs and stomps towards the school building. Well, that's before a flash of ash blond catches her peripheral vision. Stopping in her tracks, she glances to the side and watches as they try to question her fellow hot-head. Though, he quickly shuts them up, glaring at them. However, when Katsuki turns towards the school, the two of them connect eyes. It's a mere second before Kasai turns away with a burning face.

Ducking away, she hurries into a quick pace and scurries into the school building, her face burning in a crimson shade. She doesn't understand why she's feeling like this, and it can't just be because theit eyes met. She glares into his eyes all the time when they argue. Is it because she's wearing her hair down today? Was it because she wasn't glaring? What was it?

Bakugou stares in confusion as he watches the girl he usually fights with, rush away as if there's a fire nearby. Actually, now that he thinks about it, that girl is one his rivals. They had competitions back in middle school, but it only got serious when they tied in the entrance exam. The reason only he got first was because of their names, Bakugou comes first to Todoroki. Then, for the apprehension test on the first day, she managed to beat him by coming in third place as opposed to his fourth place. However, instead of rubbing it in his face like she usually does when she wins, she ignored him while throwing a cold glare at her brother.

That's another thing that confuses him. That shitty white-out had a brother, a twin to be specific, but they treat each other like complete strangers. They don't converse with one another, if he didn't know better he would think that they weren't related at all, judging by all the animosity. Also, if they were siblings, why did she take the entrance exam while the other got in through recommendations? Katsuki had all these questions, but no answers to the mystery called Kasai Todoroki.

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