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Physical by Dua Lipa

Chapter 20: Sunsets



WITH THE FIRST day coming to an end, the second day of internships comes just as quickly. However, Kasai curses the morning sun as she really feels the effects of her training. Well, more like her hours of being used as a punching bag, but no one besides her and Mirko need to know that. So, with a groan, the girl stretches her aching limbs, trying to relieve some of the pain. Oh well, like habit, she'll endure it.

Quickly getting up and making the hotel bed of the room she was generously given, and taking a much needed hot shower to relax her tense body, Kasai finishes her morning routine by dressing up in some work out clothes. The matching maroon leggings and sports bra is a relief, especially since the days are starting to get warmer, though it does mean that her arms are exposed. Her newly burned scars out for everyone to see. Thankfully, it's just her and the rabbit hero occupying the hotel - along with minimum of the staff. She's aware that she said that the scars didn't bother her, but to have strangers ogling her with their stares - that's something else.

Exiting her room, the young Todoroki maneuvers through the vast hotel and eventually reaches the kitchen like area. Upon arriving, the girl's icy blue gaze immediately catches sight of her mentor, who's eating a hefty sized salad with a side of pork buns. Nodding, Kasai walks towards the assortment of food and is quick to make her tray - picking two fair sized onigiri, one stick of yakitori, a small serving of soba noodles, and some tsukemono pickles, and a bottle of cold sakura tea. Turning around towards the tables, she sees Mirko waving her over while still chewing on her salad.

Kasai silently laughs at the sight, the similarities between her and a real rabbit are uncanny.

As she reaches the table, and before she could even set her tray down, Mirko is already speaking to her.

"Mornin' kit! I see you're up early! I was afraid you were gonna be the type to sleep in, but you're not which I'm glad. Makes my job easier! So, as I mentioned yesterday, we have a schedule to uphold. After we're done eating, we're gonna follow up with some morning training, got it," the rabbit hero informs before biting into one of her pork buns.

The white haired girl nods as she sits down, "Good morning. And yeah, I remember you saying that. That's why I dressed to exercise, I didn't want to keep using my costume and have the chances of ruining it," she answers, picking her up her chopsticks and curling into the soba.

Rumi nods her head. "Wise choice, haha. By the amount of times I throw you to the ground, your costume would've been nothing but ribbons by the end of the week," she laughs, poking fun at her student.

The Todoroki rolls her eyes, "ha ha, very funny," she deadpans.

"It's all fun, little bunny! To be honest, I'm impressed! Not many people can keep up with me," the older woman states, her ruby eyes narrowing with seriousness.

"Well, if it comes to speed, I'm there. However, everything else, I'm totally out of league when it compares to you. I mean, yesterday clearly show cased that," Kasai sighs, her blue eyes looking up at her mentor as she picks at her tsukemono pickles.

As Rumi looks down at her student, she could see the uncertainty in her posture. That's what perplexed the hero, Kasai showed obvious signs of insecurity and self doubt, but she never voiced them. By means, girls around her age - teenagers - usually voiced their lack of confidence, if not verbally then physically. Kasai didn't. If there was something she wasn't sure of, or an obstacle in her way, she found a way around it. Even if meant working twice as hard just so she could avoid being seen as weak. While Rumi found her skill to persevere admirable, she also found it worrying.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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