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She's Kerosene by The Interrupters 

A/N: Sorry, for the long wait! I would like to blame my lack of motivation and procrastination, but that's just excuses for my bad habits. I really dislike when I don't update, and I'll try to be a bit more consistent.

Chapter 7: Cross Fire

FALLING ON THE ground with a thump, I bite my tongue at the blooming pain. Sitting up, I ignore the scent of dust, caramel, and humidity as warmth comes from my left side. Clenching my jaw, I open my eyes and finally release the groan I've been holding. Around me I'm completely surrounded by dark walls of the collapsed buildings.

The scent of dust gives me unease especially so, when I notice that I'm alone. Darting my eyes around for a landscape, I find none when I'm only surrounded by dimmed darkness. The only light source I have is from the broken wall to my left.

However, that quickly changes when I ignite my hair to flames, giving me visibility.

Gritting my teeth, I take a quick inhale and collect myself. With a steady heart, I grasp at the hilts of my dual swords. Once in my hands, I use my quirk and immediately ignite two equal blades of white, blazing, fire at my sides. Spinning them in my hands a couple of times to adjust at the feeling, I smirk, ready for my incoming challenge.

No time to panic, I remind myself.

Running forward, I quickly take a glance outside the broken wall and sigh in frustration. From my spot, I can see that I'm on the upper floors of the collapsed building. Which means I have to travel through the multiple levels to finally reach the bottom. Levels of unknown.

This is looking a lot like the Battle Trial from earlier this week. At least, I have some familiarity on what to do. Lucky me, I think, grimacing.

Turning on my heel, I dart away from the wall and deeper into the building. I can feel my heart thudding in my chest, but I tighten my grasp on the handles of my swords, reminding myself to keep calm. I know the situation is unfortunate, but I'm a hero in training. I can't afford to panic. Especially when I know there's villains out there fighting against my fellow classmates. Be calm, and stay in control.

With my flaming locks of hair, I illuminate the dark halls, giving me the proper visibility. Turning to the right at a crossroads, I immediately flinch when I come in contact with a villain. Gritting my teeth, I glare at the duo that stand at the end of the hall.

They smirk at the sight of me being alone.

"Well, well, well. If isn't a pipsqueak who thinks they're a hero," the villain with steel toned skin grins at me. He practically leers at me.

I scowl, but I say nothing. I have to play it smart. Which means I can't allow myself to get distracted.

Tightly gripping my swords, I assess the situation. There's one of me, two of them. This building, the walls are made of cement, or something similar which means that they won't burn with my quirk. Smirking, I step forward and urge them to attack. If they attack first, I can see what quirks they have and build my strategy from there.

"Not so fast, brat," the steel toned man is quick to intercept my movements.

As he raises his hands, I watch as his arms, from his elbows to the tips of his fingers, turn into weapons. His right arm turns to a broadsword whilst his left turns to a spiked club. I narrow my turquoise gaze, interesting.

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