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High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco

Mirko gif

Chapter 19: High Noon

KASAI THOUGHT THAT Mirko was at first just pulling her leg and overhyped the training. However the second she got suckerpunched in the gut by the said pro-hero, she knew that the woman was rather underwhelming the training instead. One punch and Kasai felt like dying right there and then. Just game over. End of the line.

Just how is it possible? Mirko was smaller and more slender than her father, but it seemed that she punched way stronger and harder than all the muscle in Endeavor's body. Kasai wanted it! She wanted that strength, that power! Because holy crap, maybe she fell on her head or whatever, but getting punched by Mirko just made her fall in love.

She definitely made the right choice of choosing the Rabbit Hero as her mentor.

Groaning, the Todoroki repressed the pain in her body and stands up. Looking at the dark toned woman through her newly short bangs, she scoffs at the sight of her standing so nonchalant. It just proves the point of how far distanced they are in strength. It's beyond comical. Basically comparing an ant to a boot. Kasai glowers at the imagery in her head before shaking it off.

Rumi eyes the girl as she struggles to stand back up, and smirks. "You should really listen to your body. But then again, you're not one to give up, huh," the pro-hero says, snacking on a carrot.

The white haired teen gives the woman a manic grin. "Heh, I'll listen to my body when it starts listening to my motives to keep moving!" She states as she finally manages to stand without her body wavering.

"Hmm, well it's no use if you run yourself into the ground. That's why I'm gonna give you a tight schedule while you're here with me. A normal day would look like this, wake up, eat breakfast, do a morning work out where I'm obviously going to push you, a thirty minute break, then you're gonna go with me on my morning patrol - which usually lasts for two or three hours, then we'll grab some lunch to refuel, then we come back here and I'll train you on what you need help on - which will last a couple of hours, then another break where you can refresh yourself and eat, and then we'll go on my evening patrol which again will last a few hours, and finally we come back to rest and end the day. How does that sound? You'll get plenty of training and advice from me while also getting first hand expirience on what a hero does. You up for it," Mirko explains to the teenager, giving an outlook for their week together.

Kasai hums in acknowledgement, tilting her head to the side as she thinks of the exampled schedule. She could see herself doing that and following the routine for the whole week. Her naturally rosen lips quirk up to a smile, excited.

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds like a great deal! A bit busy, but what can I expect from a top hero. Besides I can't complain, not everybody gets the opportunity to work with you, especially since you seem like the type to do all the work yourself," Kasai frantically nods as she agrees.

The rabbit eared woman huffs out a grin, crossing her muscle toned arms. "Hmph! Good, because I'm not easing up my work schedule just because you're a kid. And you're right, I do everything myself. I mean, why trust someone else to do things when I can do it myself while getting the better results," Rumi answers, verbally showcasing that she's not one for teams.

The young aspiring hero could see the older woman's point. Why trust someone to do something when you can do it herself? However, that could be her own trust issues that are surfacing. Kasai could never bring herself to trust people so easily, it always took her a while to warm up. Heck, look at her relationship with Mina, Kasai likes her, but she will never really share her darkest and most intimate secrets with her. The same goes with Bakugou, while she trusts him with certain things, it will take longer for him to know the things she holds close to her heart. I guess for a better explanation, no one really knows her to a whole degree.

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