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KASAI TODOROKI WAS always a rule breaker. No matter how small or big the rule, she made it her mission to break it. When she did break the rules, she would always smirk the consequences away. She simply didn't care.

Her turquoise colored eyes gleamed with mischief, darting around to find the next adventure. Her stark white hair was blinding against the sunlight, too bright for the eyes. Of course, she despised it. She would rather prefer the brilliant red locks that her father had.

Rolling her eyes, Kasai strolled through the streets as she inhaled the toxic smoke from her cigarette. The streets bustled with a gathering crowd, but she ignored the chaos happening above her. She found no interest for the fight between Kamui Woods and an overly large villain.

In fact she found no interest in heroics. Well, she did a little. She wanted to become a hero in order to gain her father's approval since he always spent time with her older twin brother, and ignored everyone else. While her brother was at home with tutors, and training, she went to school in the city.

Kasai was often told that she had the habits of a villain due to her breaking the rules. When her peers professed their opinions, she glared murderously into their souls which only added to the argument. Her peers saw her as a villain type, but with her classmate Katsuki Bakugou, who had a fiery temper, often got praised for being cool and hero material.

Sure, she was the silent, broody type, and had a temper as well, but that didn't mean she wanted to be a villain. Was it because she didn't boast about being a hero that it made her peers view her like that? Ah, who cares, as long as she got dubbed the best in something she wouldn't mind. Maybe she should feel pride for being called a villain, some villains were great masterminds. At least, from what the comic books she reads tell her.

Exhaling, the burning toxins in her mouth from the cigarette relieve themselves into a puft of air. She knew smoking was bad for her, but for some unknown reason, Kasai finds the smell comforting. Maybe because it smells like freshly burned ash. Or maybe it's because the smell of smoke clings into her clothes like a security blanket.

Kasai never had a comforting upbringing. Actually, her childhood was quite hostile and lonely. She often wonders if that's why she's the way she is now. The neglect, that was something she didn't care much about, but the mental abuse. Kasai hated that she was victim of a person she's known her whole life. She hates that she fears her father yet she still seeks for his approval.

Huffing at the sight of school, Kasai crushes the cigarette in her hand before burning it into ashes. Letting go of the pile of remnants, she stuffs her hands into her pockets and strolls into the building. Once inside, she lets a smirk decorate her lips, feeling confident as usual. It's a silent confidence because she knows that she's the best, or at least better than the majority.

She never made friends, and she was completely fine with that. Kasai didn't need anyone to slow her down, either in schoolwork or in rule-breaking. She enjoyed being a lone wolf, but also because when she got caught, all the trouble fell on her shoulders. Which just helped build her reputation.

Arriving at the classroom, she walks towards her seat. However, as she walks, Kasai notices Bakugou with his feet up, as usual. She smirks.

"Hey, Hot-head, why do you always sit with your legs up? Is it because you enjoy shooting glitter out of your ass," she taunts, already awaiting his explosive reaction.

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