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Red Light by Personal Trainer


KASAI STARES UP at her bedroom ceiling as she lies in bed, listening to her clock ticking every second. It was still dark out, no sign of the rising sun for anytime soon. The school gave an extra day off, making it a three day weekend, as they took action to tighten their security. Most likely not wanting for attack to repeat itself.

When both Shoto and herself arrived home on Friday, Fuyumi was quick to crush them in a hug. The events of the USJ exhausted Kasai so much that she didn't mind traveling with Shoto on the train together. They didn't speak on the ride home, but they knew they were grateful for each other at the moment. So, when their older sister held them in a group hug, Kasai sighed in content.

Though, after their little moment, they returned to their strained silence. The progress of bonding halted, coming to a complete standstill as Kasai closed herself off in her room. She returned to avoiding him now that she wasn't in danger, in a at-risk situation.

The weekend, itself, went by pretty fast as she spent the majority of her time inside her room doing homework for all of her classes. The times she did exit, she only went to the courtyard, sitting in her usual spot under the tree to relax. Of course, Kasai also went to the kitchen to grab some sustenance.

Though, as Monday came, she woke up earlier than usual and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Without school, the girl had no plans for today and decided that she'll do something she hasn't done in a long while. Which she was now dreading.

But visiting her mother wouldn't be bad, right?

Kasai had no qualms with the woman, but their relationship was a bit tense. She remembers that her mother - Rei - would always make an effort to avoid making eye contact with her. She can recall that it had to do with her having the same eyes as her father. Kasai didn't blame her mother, her father was a strict man and had a temper as hot as his flames, but his eyes, they could freeze hell several times over.

Kasai knew she looked like a carbon copy of her mother, except she had her father's icy blue eyes, and her facial features were sharper compared to Rei's softer ones. If she really looked at herself, the girl found that she was more like her father than her mother. She had a temper, her gaze can make people freeze in their spots by how cold it was, she had an air of intensity that made people avoid her, and finally, she had a strong fire quirk like him. She found it amusing that her father failed to acknowledge her when she compared to him the most, and she hated it.

It sickened her.

She still yearned for his praise while he could care less about her.

So, Kasai really hoped that she can at least have one parent that was proud of her.

However, when the time to get ready for the day, Kasai procrastinated the effort of getting up. What would she talk about with her mother? Like how much she's a troublemaker, that she had a reputation for breaking the rules whilst growing up? How after all these years she never made a decent friend, at least a friend of normal standards? How she's in UA to become a hero, to prove her father wrong, to spite him? How she doesn't get along with her brother despite them being twins, how she dislikes him for having their father's attention? How about how she finds herself missing her oldest brother, Touya?

None of that will make her mother proud.

Who was she kidding, even she wasn't proud of her life. Her father was right, she is a disappointment. Who in their right mind finds breaking rules as an accomplishment? Also, no normal sibling hates another just because they're favored by their father, sure a little jealously here and there is normal, but to be completely hateful? She has no friends, she has a rival, but there's no genuine friends in her life. And why is she so angry all the time?

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