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Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde


THE NEXT DAY came too quickly for Kasai and she was restless. The short visit with her mother proved to be more trouble than its worth, her mentality taking a hit which made her emotions swirl out of control. It seemed that all the years trying to fix and heal her damage, it only got worse with yesterday - breaking all the mended scars in her heart.

She didn't get any sleep as she stayed up thinking, contemplating what her mother told her. That she didn't need her father's approval. She wants it, but does she need it? Kasai knows she's skilled with her quirk because she worked on it, she trained her own body to fight, she did it. On her own.

However, the words her father always told her lingered in her mind like a dark shadow - that she was a failure. Those words constantly dampened her confidence. No matter how well she scored in her tests, those simple words destroyed any and all sense of accomplishment that she gained.

Maybe she didn't need his approval, his praise, if all she's ever going to from him is a sense of disappointment. It's not healthy for her to get that type of attention when it only makes her feel worthless in the end.

It's toxic and despite that, Kasai still craves it. But at least she's aware of how bad it is, right?

Sighing from her spot on her bed, the pale haired girl gets up to ready herself for school. The Todoroki can feel the exhaustion in her soul and she bets that she even looks the part. She can literally feel the weight of the bags under her eyes, the sunken lack of sleep. Pushing that aside, Kasai urges herself to get dressed in her neat uniform and brush her hair up in a her usual tight ponytail - a facade to show that she's perfectly fine. That her walls are fully structured, as if the visit yesterday didn't break her. 

I'm fine, Kasai tells herself whilst tightening the tie around her neck. It's okay

With a final sigh, the girl leaves the comfort of her room and quickly makes a route towards the front door of the house. Mornings on school days are always hasty, a stealth mission to be precise. She does it all to avoid Shoto and her father. Sure, she may want the older man's praise, but she's still intimidated of the aforementioned because no matter how hard she tries, he always seems to know what she's hiding. He can see right through her. Something she very much dislikes, no matter the person. She doesn't like being vulnerable. 

It's embarrassing, and not to mention very disappointing. 

When she successfully reaches the front door without interruption or being spotted, Kasai exits the house only to flinch at the sight of her brother waiting for her. The girl practically cringes at the sight before sneering at her twin in distaste. Even looking at him makes her hot temper bubble beneath her pale skin. Her anger simmers at the sight of him looking so collected, so well put together - it's her jealousy. She envies him, envies how flawless he seems when it's a struggle to even feel half of that. 

"Kasai," Shoto greets, trying to converse with her. 

The girl huffs, gritting her teeth as she turns her head away from him. "I'm going to be late," she simply states, avoiding his attempt to start something. 

The boy steps forward. "You're one of the firsts to always arrive in class," he reminds.

Kasai's left eye twitches because he's right. She is one of the first people to arrive in class, along with Bakugou and Yaoyorozu. Biting her tongue, she uses that fact against him along with her obvious rivalry with the ash blond. 

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