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A/N: I like all the characters, but since he has very little screen time, I'm going to replace Rikido Sato, also known as, the Sugar Rush dude.


KASAI WAS SCURRYING around her room trying to find all the necessary items for today's class. Since the exams, winter quickly faded into spring, making the arrival of UA even quicker. After the letter, the young Todoroki spent a few days designing her costume before sending it out. She was proud of her design, she just hopes that it comes out like she wanted.

Anyways, she neatly packs her case of extra pencils and pens, along with some spare notebooks. Kasai could not care like she did in middle school, but this is UA, she has to take this seriously. Well, more serious than usual.

Once her belongings are packed, she quickly leaves her room and rushes out of her home. She's pretty sure her brother already left, but she'll take no risks. Though, as she walks, the sole thought of seeing her brother at UA makes her panic. They barely have any contact here at the house, how will it be when they're in class? If they're even in the same class! It would be completely tense and awkward.

Heck, because of the way they grew up, separated from one another, her own brother is like a stranger to her. She can't remember the last time where they had a proper conversation. Plus, there's that underlining jealousy and resentment that she has towards him. Yes, she sounds petty, but she can't help it.

Her brother has their father's attention, while she's to the side like a piece of forgotten chopped liver. Maybe some of it is her fault, I mean, she does avoid everything that has to do with her brother. She avoids everyone, plus she's not an easy person to talk to. Especially not when she glares.

Sighing, she rubs her face in exasperation. She's at a crossroads, and she doesn't agree with any of her choices. It's not like a simple conversation between siblings will fix everything. This is something that's been building up for years. At least, on her behalf.

The actual train ride to the school is eh, not too long or too short. Eventually, she's walking through the entrance gates, and like last time. She marvels in awe. The reality of the situation finally settling in. She made it. She passed and now she's here.

The path towards becoming a hero.

Smirking in a sense of confidence, she hides all her nervousness. She wonders who her classmates will be. Kasai knows that only one in three-hundred get accepted. Four people get accepted through recommendations, like her brother, and only thirty-six get in through the exams. She's lucky that she even got in.

Walking through the halls, looking for the class 1-A, she marvels at the sight, taking in every detail of the architecture. Sighing in relief when she spots the room 1-D, she continues on her route. Eventually, she's met with the very large door of her assigned homeroom. Tightening her ponytail, and patting herself clean of invisible dust, she then opens the door.

Her smirk quickly vanishes and changes into a frown. Her eye twitches at the sore sight of Bakugou sitting at his desk with his feet propped up. One she's seen almost everyday in her previous school. Though, her frown deepens when she catches the familiar sight of heterochromia hair that is her brother in her peripheral view. She makes no indication of looking his way. Luckily, someone distracts her with a yell.

"Todoroki, you shitty extra, how did you manage to pass," Bakugou yells, pointing an angry finger at her.

All calmness disappears from her body. "Tch, if you don't recall, I managed to get the same points as you. I guess you're not as strong as you say, you useless sparkler," she quips, crossing her arms.

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