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KASAI SPENT THE previous ten months training. After the sludge villain incident, she didn't want anything like that to happen again, where she's frozen with shock. She wanted to be prepared, for any fight and any situation. She wanted to train her body to move, despite the fear.

So, during these months she went to school, studied, and when she got home, she would train in her room, or in one of the training rooms. She first started with hand to hand combat with a punching bag, of course she had them covered with handwraps. Once she was skilled at punching, she added the kicks.

Then, when she acquired a fair amount of muscle to tone her body, she continues the cardio with running. This was done at home, and since they practically lived in an estate, she could run around the perimeter. This often kept her outside the home until the late hours of the day. She didn't mind. She was used to being lonely.

On the weekends, she got up in the early hours of the morning to train with her Holy Fire quirk. She will spend time extending the length of her flames to create walls of brilliant white fire. She would also incorporate them with her combat by creating two dual swords, well, sort of swords, since they only extended from her hands. Kasai also practiced time and time again to perfect the ability to encase her whole body in flames.

All of her fire techniques took an average of 6 months to perfect, since she only worked on them during the weekends. If her afternoon weekdays weren't spent studying for the entrance exam, she worked on her flexibility. Starting with yoga was the obvious first. It was a few hours everyday doing a series of different multitude level stretches.

All in all, she spent her ten months training and reshaping her body to the perfect extent. She fights like a skilled boxer, not the best, but skilled enough. She can light herself on fire and become a literal human torch. Then finally, she can bend in the most flexible of ways, almost like a combination of a ballerina, gymnast, and yoga instructor. Mentally and physically, Kasai was prepared.

So, on the morning of the entrance exam, she left a bit earlier than expected in order to ride on the train. She could have gone later and gotten a train with her twin brother, but they're not really that close. Growing up, her brother was separated from her, and their siblings, in order to undergo her father's training. Their relationship grew strained, one full of jealousy and resentment on her side. She had a quirk too, a fire one, but she never got her father's attention. In his eyes, she was viewed as a failure along with her other siblings, Fuyumi, Touya, and Natsuo.

Anyways, eventually after a train ride, she walked towards the Academy with a scarf around her neck. Unfortunately, due to her fire quirk, cold weather seemed to affect her more than others, so she had to dress in layers. Well, not that much layers, but enough to keep her content. Plus, she can also use her fire manipulation to raise her body temperature.

"Stupid winter and your cold weather," she scoffs to herself, rubbing her gloved hands together.

Hopefully for the written part of the exam, Kasai won't be seated next to Shoto. Because that would be awkward to explain. Like, oh, I didn't expect to see you here, but I did! I just didn't want you to know I was taking the exam as well. I mean, you're getting through recommendations, but I'm not. And that's okay...psych!

Yup, that would be completely awkward if it happened.

Turquoise colored eyes scan the area, carefully, before the pale haired girl resumes towards the prestigious school. She was in awe at the mere sight of the building, and suddenly, it was becoming very real. She's here. A chance to finally prove herself. A real chance to gain her father's approval, to not be a failure.

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