Chapter 5

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It seemed to take forever for Friday to arrive. Amanda's days were so full that she hardly had any time to think about anything except her students. She didn't know why, but the full emergence of Spring made the children more hyper than usual. She spent her evenings planning new games which would keep them interested in their lessons. It wasn't easy.

Amanda didn't hear from Mark during the week so she assumed he was also pretty busy. She didn't want to disturb him by phoning him.

She baked a chocolate layer cake on Thursday night, knowing that she wouldn't have time to do it the next day. It turned out pretty good. She hoped Mark would like it.

By the time Friday afternoon rolled around, Amanda's class had driven her to the point of exhaustion. If she didn't have dinner with Mark to look forward to, she would have collapsed on her couch and stayed there for the entire evening. As it was, she didn't have time to think about relaxing after school because she had to rush around doing some last minute shopping.

The hardest part about cooking for someone was deciding what to cook. Amanda didn't want to try anything new in case it didn't work. So she made something simple and plain; sweet and sour pork with rice and Caesar salad.

She was just finishing setting the table when the doorbell rang. Suddenly feeling nervous, Amanda hoped she hadn't forgotten anything as she went to answer the door.

There was Mark, looking as breathtakingly attractive as ever.

"Hi," he said, smiling. "I'm not too early, am I?"

"No, you're right on time," she replied, too shy to look him in the eye.

As Mark walked in and shut the door behind him, he said,"I hope you don't mind, but I brought a bottle of wine."

He handed her a bag with a bottle in it.

"Oh, that's fine," she said graciously. "Why don't you come over and sit down? Dinner's ready."

"Something smells delicious," Mark said as he followed her to the dining room.

"I hope you like it," she mentioned, putting the wine down on the kitchen counter. "I didn't have time to cook anything very fancy."

"You should know by now that I'll eat anything. Even spinach salad."

She laughed at his tone of voice.

"Speaking of salad," she began, opening the fridge and taking out the Caesar salad, "why don't we start with this?"

"This is good," Mark said, crunching on a crouton a few minutes later.

Amanda thanked him, not quite believing that he was actually sitting at her table. It was so weird to be eating with someone else to talk to when she was used to eating alone. It was comfortable to have Mark there with her.

"Do you mind if I put some music on?" she asked timidly.

"Sure, go ahead," he answered, not seeming surprised at her question.

Amanda went into the living room and put some classical guitar music on.

"I like that music," Mark said a few minutes later.

"It's relaxing, isn't it?" she replied. "Would you like some more salad or are you ready for the main course?"

"I think I'd better move on to the main course before I eat the rest of the salad," Mark moaned.

Amanda smiled as she stood up and gathered the salad bowls.

"Can I help you with anything?" Mark asked.

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