Chapter 19

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Mark came home from work and found Amanda mowing the back lawn. One look at her perspiring face and the way she was breathing told him that he had to get her out of the sun.

He walked up to where Amanda was mowing and turned the lawn mower off. Amanda glanced at him in surprise.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded angrily, his eyes flashing.

"I'm...mowing the lawn," Amanda panted, feeling lightheaded.

"In this heat?" he exclaimed. "Get in the house before you faint."

Without a word, Amanda obeyed him. Things had been starting to waver in front of her eyes, anyway.

As Amanda walked in through the back door, Mark told her to sit down at the dining table.

"I'll get you some water," Mark said gruffly, as Amanda sat weakly on a chair.

Mark slammed a glass of water down on the table in front of Amanda, startling her.

"Why are you so angry?" Amanda asked.

"Are you crazy?" Mark demanded. "Has the sun fried your brain? Why were you outside in the heat of the day when you should be inside resting?"

"I don't know," Amanda answered weakly, taking a gulp of water.

"Well, I know," Mark replied. "You're trying to get back at me by killing yourself. Look at you, Amanda. You're skin and bones and you're ready to collapse again. Do you want to go back to the hospital? Do you hate me that much?"

"I don't hate you," Amanda defended, wiping the sweat off her face with the back of her forearm.

"Then why are you acting like an idiot, huh?" Mark cried, leaning on the table. "Tell me, have you had anything to eat today?"

"Not really," Amanda replied, shaking her head.

Mark swore, causing Amanda to look up at him. He looked frantic.

"Why are you treating me like a child?" Amanda asked, her voice rising.

"Because you're acting like one, that's why," Mark answered, turning away from her. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He had worked hard all day and wasn't expecting to come home to an exhausted, perspiring wife.

Amanda looked at him for a moment before she said, "I think I'll go have a cool bath."

Mark nodded, his hands on his hips.

"You do that," he said. "And when you come out, you are going to eat a whole meal, even if I have to feed you myself."

Amanda looked up at him angrily and stood up. "That won't be necessary," she retorted, hoping to gain back a small amount of dignity. She didn't want to argue anymore so she went to the bathroom.

Amanda spent a great deal of time in the bath. She found the water greatly refreshing. She wanted to stay in the water forever because it was the only thing which helped her relax.

Amanda had almost fallen asleep when she heard a knock on the door.

"Supper is almost ready," she heard Mark say.

"I'll be out in a minute," Amanda replied, her muffled with slumber.

Amanda quickly finished bathing and got out of the tub. She put on her robe and ran a comb through her wet hair. Looking in the mirror, she realized that she would not win any beauty contests, but at least she was clean.

Mark was putting the food on the table when Amanda went to the dining room.

"Everything is ready," Mark said, smiling at her.

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