Chapter 14

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How could Mark not remember her? She would never have imagined it was possible to forget a whole year of one's life. Brain injuries were unpredictable at best. Amanda felt both eager and reluctant to see Mark. What if he didn't like her? What if he never got his memory back? Amanda steeled herself for rejection, hoping Mark wouldn't be disappointed in her.

When Ada and Howard came back to the lounge, Amanda asked them how Mark was dealing with his amnesia.

"He knows about you," Howard explained. "We told him about the wedding and everything. He's ready to see you if you want to go sit with him."

Walking toward Mark's room, Amanda felt inexplicably nervous. Pasting a smile on her face, Amanda walked toward Mark's bed.

His eyes were closed; Amanda sat down and grasped his hand like she always did. He opened his eyes and saw her.

Amanda was so glad to see him awake, she felt a tear come to her eye.

"I'm so happy to see you awake."

The look of puzzlement on Mark's face was hard for Amanda to see.

"Amanda?" he whispered, his voice cracking and raspy.

Amanda nodded, trying not to let Mark see her tears.

He gazed at her for a moment, a searching look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't remember you" he said softly.

"Don't worry about that," Amanda replied. "Just focus on getting better."

"Excuse me, Mrs. Jacobs?"

The doctor entered the room, followed by two nurses.

"We need to run some tests now that Mr. Jacobs is awake. Would you excuse us?"

"Of course," she replied, letting go of Mark's hand and leaving the room.

Back in the lounge, she spoke to Mark's parents about his recovery. He hadn't been awake long enough for anyone to determine what if any damage had occurred from the car accident. It seemed to take the doctor a long time to come out to the lounge. When he finally came to the lounge, he was grinning.

"Good news, Mrs. Jacobs. We can move your husband down to the men's ward. He's no longer in danger. His swelling has decreased considerably and now we just need to keep him a few more days for observation."

Her hand on her heart, Amanda exclaimed, "Oh, that's such good news! How did he do on his tests?"

"His cognitive function is normal. The amnesia should dissipate with time. I cannot give you an estimate on that because everyone is different."

"I understand," Amanda said.

"We're so glad he's out of danger," Howard stated.

"Yes," the doctor replied. "He's a very lucky man. It could have been much worse. He'll be moving to the ward in an hour or so."

Amanda shook the doctor's hand and then he left.

Suddenly, Amanda's cell phone rang. She was needed to teach the next day.

"Oh no, I have to work tomorrow."

"It's okay," Ada said. "I'll be around until Friday. Howard has a charter this weekend, so we can stay for a few more days."

"Oh, thank you. I wish I could sit with him tomorrow, but I can't say 'no' to the work."

"I understand, dear. You need to earn money when the opportunity rises."

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