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Three Months Later

School was back in session and Amanda was working quite regularly on the substitute teachers' list. She enjoyed the variety of the work and she often told Mark some of the funny things that happened during her day.

Mark was not working as hard as he needed to before so they spent their days off going places together in his plane or staying at home cuddling in bed or repainting the condo. They were enjoying the redecorating because it gave them a chance to make everything more their own style. Mark talked about moving to a house, but Amanda wanted to wait until she had a full-time teaching job again.

One evening, Mark took Amanda out to her favourite restaurant for dinner. As they were eating, Mark said, "Mandy, are you sure you want to wait to look for a house? The real estate market right now is good for buyers."

"Do we really need a bigger place? Is that what you're thinking of?" she asked, taking a sip of iced tea.

"Not necessarily. I was thinking of something closer to town so we don't have that nasty drive in the winter," he replied, a shadow crossing his face.

"I love the view, but I agree it would be safer to live somewhere flatter," she agreed.

Once they had paid for their meal and were in the car, Mark said, "I have a confession to make. There's a surprise waiting for you at home."

"A surprise?" she repeated. "I don't need any more surprises. I have you."

Mark laughed.

"Trust me. You'll like this surprise. I hope."

When they parked in their driveway, Mark had Amanda put on a blindfold.

"What are you up to?" she asked, giggling nervously.

"Just wait one second. I'll take your arm and lead you inside," he murmured, getting out of the car.

Once they were inside, Mark had Amanda stand in the foyer.

"Okay," he said, sounding excited. "You can take off the blindfold now."

Amanda undid the blindfold and stood in the foyer. For a moment, she couldn't see what was different. Then Mark turned on a lamp in the living room. Her jaw dropped.

There, sitting in the middle of the living room, was a beautiful black grand piano. It was exactly like the one she had always dreamed of having. She was in shock, momentarily speechless.

"I hope you like it," Mark said nervously. "I know you probably wanted to pick it out yourself, but I had the guy in the store play a bunch of them and this one sounded the best."

"But how...why?" she asked, wiping a tear from her cheek. She was overcome with emotion. She couldn't believe that Mark had remembered her dream and sought to fulfill it.

"I can't believe you did this," she said, laughing incredulously. "It's amazing."

She walked over and caressed the piano. It felt luxurious to the touch. The sleek lines and beautiful strings inside made her want to play something.

"Go ahead, try it out."

"I can't. It's too beautiful. You're sneaky. How did you get it in here?"

"I had to wait until you went to work today. I didn't know if it would fit in here, but the couch will have to sit against the side wall over there."

"Mark, I don't know what to say..."

She walked over to him and hugged him tight. He returned the embrace, smiling in relief. He was afraid her pride would not allow her to accept his gift, but he had done the right thing.

"Thank you, Mark. I love it so much. I can't believe you did this."

"You see now why we might need to get a bigger place? This living room isn't quite big enough for all the furniture now."

Laughing, Amanda patted him on the back.

"You're pretty sneaky, but I like the way you think."

Amanda stepped away from him and went to sit on the piano stool. She adjusted it a bit then started to play one of her favourite Chopin pieces.

After she finished, Mark said, "That was so awesome! It sounds ten times better than your old piano."

She stood up and went over to sit beside him on the couch.

"You've just made all my dreams come true. You are amazing."

She kissed him deeply, passionately. He returned her embrace, gripping her tightly.

"You deserve to have all your dreams, Amanda. You've made mine come true."

"All of them?" she asked softly.

"Every single one," he replied, kissing her deeply.

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