Chapter 11

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Amanda found it easy to live with Mark. He kept things quite clean and he never complained about any of her habits, like leaving the dental floss out on the bathroom counter or forgetting to set up the coffee maker for his morning brew. Amanda enjoyed taking care of the house and practicing the piano when Mark was at work. She worried about being able to help pay the bills, but Mark told her not to concern herself with anything like that.

When Mark was on his holidays, they went camping and fishing together. Amanda didn't think she would enjoy fishing, but it was very calm and relaxing to sit in the boat with Mark and not have to talk. He was a very avid fisherman, having been out lots of times with his father. He enjoyed making a campfire every night and he and Amanda spent many happy hours making smores and telling each other silly stories from their childhoods.

Near the end of August, Amanda was notified that she had been granted an interview to join the teachers' substitute list. She was very relieved. She hoped she would make it on the list. That way, she could contribute to the household expenses. Mark was happy that she had the opportunity, but he told her to just worry about doing well at the interview and not about the money part of it. Amanda couldn't help worrying about money because she was used to looking after just herself. It was strange to have someone else to help with living expenses.

One Sunday morning, they were cuddling in bed when the phone rang.

"'s my parents," Mark said, as he picked up the phone.

It was not good news. Mark's father had broken his leg. He was in traction in the hospital.

"What can I do to help you, Mom?" Mark asked concernedly.

Amanda couldn't hear the other side of the conversation but it didn't sound good. After he hung up, Mark got out of bed and started to gather some clothes.

"I have to go to Vancouver," he said, looking in his closet for his duffel bag.

"Is your dad okay?" Amanda asked. "Should I go with you?"

"He'll be fine in a couple months. I don't think I need you to come, but thanks for asking. You have your interview tomorrow. I'll have to call you when I know more about what's going on."

Amanda sensed that there was something Mark wasn't telling her, but she decided to wait until he phoned her later before asking him more questions.

Later, when Mark was packed, he gave Amanda a big hug before he left.

"I'll miss you so much," he said, as he kissed her.

"I'll miss you too," she replied, trying not to cry. She was worried about his father.

"Everything will be fine," he replied, as he left for the airport.

Amanda cleaned the house while she waited for Mark to phone her from Vancouver. She tried to pick out an outfit for her interview for the next day, but it was hard to concentrate.

A few hours later, the phone rang. Amanda practically jumped on it. It was Mark.

"Hi, honey. How is your dad?" she asked.

"He's grumpy and cantankerous, so he's not as bad as I thought," Mark answered, chuckling in a tired way. "But there's something that I need to help my parents with."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Well, my dad's gotten himself in really deep with his charter business. They're all set to start and my dad was supposed to be one of the pilots. They need another pilot to take his place."

"Can't you help them find one?" Amanda asked.

"I could, but my father has sunk all his savings into this business and if another pilot takes over, there is nothing left for his wages. My parents were going to live pretty lean for the next few months while the business gets off the ground. There is only one pilot I know who would work for them for free."

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