Chapter 12

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The villa in Hawaii was named Mauna Ke Loa and it was beyond luxurious. It had 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. Amanda couldn't believe how huge it was. She couldn't understand why Max's friends would not be using it over the Christmas holidays. It seemed too big for just Amanda and Mark, but they enjoyed the peace and quiet.

There was a concierge and a full-time chef at the villa. They were available 24 hours a day, but Mark and Amanda didn't need them for the first few days because they stayed mostly in the master suite. There was a large lanai which led to a grassy expanse surrounded by palm trees and a sandy beach beyond the borders of the property. Mark and Amanda went exploring on their first day and it was like something out of a movie. Amanda couldn't believe how beautiful and peaceful it was. It was easy to fall deeper in love with Mark when she had him all to herself.

They relaxed by the pool and went for long walks on the beach together. Amanda loved holding Mark's hand and he seemed happy just to be with her. She loved being alone with him since she had missed him for so long. Only one thing made her feel sad; the only thing that she couldn't change.

They were walking along the beach at sunset when Mark asked Amanda why she was so quiet.

"I don't want to spoil your evening," she said.

"Come on, you know you can't get away with that," Mark replied soberly. "What's bothering you?"

"The same thing that I often feel. It's like an endless emptiness inside me that nothing can fill."

"Is it an emptiness that I've caused?"

"No, never you. I just can't help wishing that you and I could have babies together."

There was a pause as Mark walked barefoot in the sand. He squeezed her hand tightly and said, "It wasn't meant to happen, Amanda. I've accepted it and I wish you would also. We can have a wonderful life together. I don't need to have children to be happy. I'm sorry that I'm not enough to make up for your emptiness. You're everything I want and I don't need anything else to make me happy."

Amanda felt a tear roll down her cheek. She was so lucky to have Mark in her life. She knew she should be grateful and stop wishing for things that would never happen.

Suddenly, Amanda threw her arms around Mark's neck and said, "I don't deserve you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Chuckling, Mark hugged her back tightly.

"And don't you forget it," he said, chuckling. "Look at the sunset, sweetheart. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?"

"Just you."

"Oh, stop it. You're just trying to flatter me so I'll make you breakfast in the morning."

"I wasn't thinking of breakfast," she replied, laughing as he kissed her. His lips pressed urgently against hers, filling the emptiness in her soul like nothing else could.

"Come on, let's go inside and work up an appetite for breakfast," Mark said, putting an arm around her waist and leading her back to the villa.


A few days after Christmas, Amanda and Mark decided to explore the island a bit and go to a luau that evening. Amanda had fun at all the tourist shops and bought souvenirs for her family and Mark's parents. Mark enjoyed watching her admire the smallest trinkets.

The luau was exciting. Amanda had never been to one before. The food was amazing. Amanda enjoyed watching the hula dancers. Mark laughed when she said she could never dance like that except maybe if they were by themselves. Mark told her not to be shy. Amanda figured she'd need lots more drinks before she'd even try it.

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