Chapter 6

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Amanda did not hear from Mark for a few days. They were the longest days of her life. When she finally did hear from him, she was so grateful that she was determined not to ruin everything by acting foolish.

Somehow things got easier between them. They started to see each other quite regularly and they got to know each other better. Amanda discovered that Mark was very sensitive and kind. She found that she could talk to him about almost anything. They spent a great deal of time together talking and having fun. There seemed to be an unspoken pact between them not to repeat their previous actions of intimacy. Amanda missed kissing Mark, but she knew that things were better off without causing any conflict. She tried to be very nonchalant and caring at the same time. Mark did not say anything about her attitude change, nor did he make her feel uncomfortable by bringing up the topic.

Amanda tried hard not to push herself too far into Mark's life. She knew she cared deeply for him, yet she realized how hurt she would be if he did not feel the same way about her. Their lives were both busy; Amanda did not think that Mark had much time to date anyone else, especially since he went out of town every other weekend. She did not want to assume anything about him. Her assumptions always got her into trouble.

Amanda tried not to assume anything when Mark introduced her to his best friends, Paul and Carrie, who had been married for four years and had two young children, a boy and a girl. Amanda could tell that Mark was very close to them. The children called him Uncle Mark and Mark spent a great deal of time doing things with the family. Paul worked with Mark at the engineering firm. Carrie was bright, energetic, and very protective of Mark. She inspected Amanda closely when she first met her. Amanda felt uncomfortable, but she looked Carrie in the eye and gave her best smile. Carrie smiled back and the two women started to get to know each other.

While Paul and Mark were talking outside on the patio, Amanda and Carrie went into the kitchen to make some drinks.

Carrie chatted amiably as she prepared some lemonade.

"I'm glad I finally got to meet you," Carrie said, smiling as she got four glasses out of a cupboard. "Mark has told me so much about you, I feel like I know you well."

Amanda smiled and replied, "Mark has told me a lot about you, too."

As Carrie poured the lemonade, she remarked, "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're not like any other girlfriend Mark has ever had."

"I'm not?" Amanda asked, surprised. "I didn't even know I was his girlfriend."

Carrie stopped pouring to look up at Amanda.

"You're joking," she exclaimed in a high voice.

Amanda felt her cheeks grow warm as she shook her head.

"Mark and I don't talk about things like that," she said, feeling like an idiot. "I know it sounds strange, but Mark and I prefer to keep things on a less complicated level."

Carrie did not say anything for a moment. Then, clearing her throat, she commented, "Well, Mark is like a brother to me and I don't think he would introduce Paul and I to anyone he wasn't serious about."

Amanda didn't know what to say. All she knew was that her heart pounded harder when she thought of being Mark's girlfriend.

Paul and Carrie were a lot of fun to be around. Amanda felt welcome to the foursome and soon grew more comfortable. Paul and Carrie seemed to be the perfect couple. Amanda could tell they were very much in love. They were open with each other and affectionate, even though the children demanded much of their time and energy. The children also brought out Mark's nurturing, playful side. They joked with him and seldom seemed very serious. Amanda felt free to loosen up and she enjoyed acting in a more playful way.

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