Chapter 15

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Mark was discharged from the hospital the next day. Amanda was nervous as they drove home. What if Mark didn't like the changes they had made to the condo? She tried to maintain a positive attitude.

"It's a miracle that you didn't break any bones in the accident," she said. "You must be grateful for that."

"Yes," Mark replied. "But now I have a constant headache I can't seem to get rid of." His voice was gruff with pain.

"I'm sorry," she answered. "Did the doctor prescribe anything? I can go pick it up for you."

Mark shook his head.

"Just Tylenol. He doesn't want me to mess up my amnesia even worse."

When they reached the condo, Mark got gingerly out of the car. He walked carefully on the icy driveway, not wanting to slip and fall. Amanda followed closely behind him, stepping carefully herself.

Mark seemed happy to be at home. He was surprised to see Amanda's piano in the living room. He had forgotten that she could play. She tried not to let it bother her. She was glad he didn't remember the Grand Piano fund.

Mark was tired from the short trip so he went to lie down for a while. He ended up sleeping for most of the afternoon. Amanda made him something to eat when he woke.


Paul had told Mark not to come back to work for at least a week. Mark spent a lot of time sleeping. Their days began to take on a pattern.

Amanda would get up early and make Mark's breakfast when he got up later. After breakfast, Mark would go into his office to try to reacquaint himself with his work projects. Slowly it was coming back to him. Amanda left him alone and tried not to go crazy with boredom. She got called to work a few times and Mark said he would able to cook for himself while she was gone. At least he hadn't forgotten how to do that.

Their manner toward each other was polite. Amanda missed their previous closeness and Mark's affectionate nature. He hadn't held her hand or even hugged her since he came home from the hospital. She figured that he just needed time to adjust to being married.

The weirdest time was at night when they were in bed together. Amanda was used to cuddling with Mark before they went to sleep, but he didn't reach for her any more. Instead, he stayed on his side of the bed and went to sleep right away. Amanda cried herself to sleep a few times, not quite believing that her husband no longer wanted her.

Once Mark returned to work, things got a little bit easier between them. He was tired every night when he came home, but at least he had something to talk to her about when they were eating supper.

Amanda tried to play the piano while Mark was in his office, but he asked her to stop because it made his headache worse. Amanda ended up spending her evenings downstairs reading a book or crying. She couldn't help it. Mark was so different, so quiet and withdrawn; nothing like he was before.

It seemed like all Amanda did was cook and clean. It would have been easier to bear if Mark was grateful to her or something. Amanda looked forward to the days when she got called to work because it gave her something to do and she enjoyed being with children because they liked her.


One day in early Spring, Amanda went to visit Carrie while Mark was at work. She had sort of avoided their friends because she didn't want them to see how different their relationship had become.

"Is Mark remembering much about his past with you?" Carrie asked as she poured Amanda a cup of tea.

"Not really," Amanda replied. "He doesn't remember meeting me, but he remembers that he took me flying on our first date."

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