Chapter 13

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They returned home a few days later. It was a shock to come back to winter weather. There was more snow in the driveway. Mark insisted on shoveling it. Amanda made him some hot chocolate afterward and cuddled with him on the couch.

After a moment, Mark said, "You know, I have a lot of work to catch up on tonight."

"I know, I promise I'll leave you alone."

Mark chuckled, looking at her legs entwined with his.

"Uh, you're not doing such a good job of that, wife."

"I know, husband. I'll get off the couch now."

"No! Stay and keep me warm."

Laughing, Amanda said, "I thought you had work to do."

"It can wait a while longer."

Amanda giggled as she snuggled closer to Mark's chest.

Now that the holidays were over, Mark had to work extra time to complete his projects and meet his deadlines. Amanda got called to work quite a bit so she was glad for the financial boost. Mark's parents were able to give him a bonus for all the work he did for the charter business. It paid for some of the bills that had piled up since they went to Hawaii.

Amanda loved being married to Mark. Somehow it made a difference to know that she was legally joined to Mark forever. Their lovemaking had a greater intensity which Amanda always craved. She was glad Mark had surprised her in Hawaii. She never would have thought of getting married so spontaneously.

Winter seemed to go on with a vengeance. Mark wasn't able to fly his plane due to the weather being so unpredictable. Amanda enjoyed hanging out with Mark on the weekends. They made love, watched t.v., and organized the books in the basement. Mark built some shelves and they set up a small library downstairs. Amanda often played the piano while Mark read a book. He loved to hear her play, especially when she was in a romantic mood, which was often.

One evening, Amanda had dinner ready, but Mark was late getting home from work. She had just put the food in the oven to keep warm when the doorbell rang.

Thinking it was Mark with his arms full of paperwork, Amanda rushed to open the door.

It wasn't Mark. Instead, two policemen stood there, looking grim.

"Mrs. Jacobs? Can we come in for a moment?"

"What's wrong? Is it my husband?"

Once Amanda let the officers inside the foyer, she stood there, her heart pounding and shaky with fear.

The officers suggested that she sit down, so she went to one of the armchairs in the living room.

One of the officers said, "Your husband has been in a motor vehicle accident, Mrs. Jacobs."

Amanda lifted her hand to her throat in alarm. She wanted to ask a thousand questions, but she was afraid of the answers. The officers told her what happened. Due to icy road conditions, Mark's vehicle had slid off an embankment and rolled several times before falling into a ditch.

"Is he alive?" she asked, barely able to speak.

"Yes. He's at the hospital. We're here to take you to him. It's not a good idea for you to drive right now."

In shock, all she could say was, "Okay."

Amanda grabbed her purse and her jacket and followed the men to the foyer.

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