Chapter 21

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Amanda spent a long time styling her hair and putting on her makeup. Luckily, the warm bath had put more colour into her cheeks. Her eyes were bright with renewed hope and longing. Surveying her reflection in the mirror, Amanda reasoned that she looked almost as attractive as she had on her wedding day six short months ago. It felt like their first night together all over again. She only hoped that Mark would feel the way she did - nervous and excited at the same time. She wanted to feel his touch on her creamy white skin, his lips on hers.

As if on cue, Amanda heard the outer door of the suite open and shut just as she was putting away her cosmetics. A moment later, she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Would you like something to eat?" Mark asked gruffly. "I can order you some room service."

What, no greeting? she mused. He didn't sound pleased that she had returned to him.

Very politely, Amanda answered, "No, thank you. I'm not hungry." She was too tense to eat, she realized.

She heard Mark mumble "Fine" and there was silence. Turning to tie on the lacy robe that went with her negligee, Amanda felt her heart pound ominously. God, what if he didn't want her after all she had put him through?

Quietly opening the bathroom door, Amanda peeked outside. Mark was squatting in front of the fireplace, lighting a fire. His hair was dripping wet from the rain. It always curled a bit when it got damp. Amanda wondered where he'd been.

Amanda stood in the doorway, trying to figure out what she was going to say.

Upon seeing flames start to crackle in the fireplace, Mark stood up and leaned his arm on the hearth. He stared down at the flames, appearing to be deep in thought.

Taking a deep breath, Amanda quietly asked, "Where did you go?"

Startled, Mark turned his head. His eyes rested on her appearance. He raised an eyebrow and made no comment. Amanda could not tell whether or not he was pleased with her appearance.

"I got tired of waiting for you, so I went out and grabbed a bite to eat," Mark replied brusquely, the look in his eyes unreadable.

"Oh," Amanda replied, feeling dismayed at his tone of voice. He didn't sound very loving, did he?

"Why are you wearing that?" he asked, turning to look at the fire again. His derogatory tone of voice made her feel like she was wearing a potato sack instead of a silky negligee.

Shyly, she replied, "It was supposed to be your birthday present."

Mark snorted.

"You wasted your time," he said tonelessly. "Besides, you don't have to give me sex just because I brought you here."

Amanda gasped at his apparent misunderstanding.

"Mark, you don't understand," she said tearfully.

"Oh, I do understand," he disagreed bluntly. "You've made it perfectly clear that you want nothing to do with me. I'm sorry I put you through that embarrassing charade this morning. I should have known better than to try to renew our wedding vows. You were right and I was wrong, as usual. Let's just get through the weekend in the most civilized way possible and then we'll straighten everything out when we get back home."

The finality in his voice was terrifying.

"What do you mean, 'straighten everything out'?" she asked, her heart in her throat.

His voice croaking, Mark replied, "I'm leaving you."

The silence in the room was deafening, oppressive.

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