Among us

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"Okay who did it?" Nightmare asked over his mic, everyone immediately came online at once and screeched in his ear.
Horror was dead, and Error was dead.
"Okay so!"
"Dude it was so you!"
"I saw killer in admin!"
"Everyone! Shouting is not fuckin necessary" Nightmare hissed as he pulled his head phones off for a moment, then placing them back on.
"Okay so as Dust said, I was in admin" Killer spoke quieter this time.
"Yeah, and Epic was in electric with Cross" Dust spoke up.
"And after I passed security I found Errors dead body" Dust then voted.
"Nightmare where are you?" Killer asked, seeming suspicious.
"Reactor" Nightmare answered immediately.
"So who do you think did it?" Killer asked Dust.
"I'm going with Nightmare" Dust said, sounding a tiny bit off, probably knowing he would most likely be thrown in a wall the next day.
"Oh hell no, I don't wanna die, but you are quick to say it was Nightmare though..." Killer then was silent.
"Yeah also saying you were in security is kinda sus" Epic said after that.
"I agree" Cross then voted.
Epic voted
Nightmare voted.
Killer voted
And Dust was yeeted out the game.
'There's still one imposter' appeared on the screens across all the boys computers.
"Oh shit!" Epic yelled, Cross sitting next to him, both getting extremely nervous.
"How the fuck?" Killer then went back to doing his tasks. Now jittery from nervousness.
Dust and Error were both rage screaming at their computer screens but their language is so vulgar that I can't even type it out. One screeching a blue streak in both English and Spanish and the other in just English. Horror was laughing at the morons. Heading the two continuously curse the game and the imposter out.
You can probably figure out who's doing which.
It wasn't long till another body was found.
"I left for two seconds!" Epic screeched, Cross couldn't say who killed him due to the general rule of law in the land of among us.
"Oh shit...are you sure you didn't just kill him?" Nightmare asked, Epic gasped.
"I would never bruh!" Epic yelled into the mic again, making Nightmare and Killer both jump.
"Whoa whoa! No need for screeching" Killer felt his non existent ears ringing.
"You sure? You two were traveling as a pair and you claim you left for two seconds, now Cross is dead" Nightmare argued, damn that was compelling.
"I hate to admit it...but Nights got a point" Killer said quietly, Epic was at a loss.
"I'm voting Epic" Nightmare spoke allowed, and voted.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Epic screeched.
"Yeah...can't argue with Night here, you're being extra right now" Killer then voted.
"Y'all suck monkey balls!" Epic yelled before he was kicked out the round.
Imposter wins..
"NIGHT YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Errors voice immediately came back as the game was over.
"Wow your way too good at this, I was listening and was like 'damn I believe him and he killed me'" Horror wheezed, laughing his ass off as the rest raged.
"Why is horror the only good sport in this chat?" Nightmare asked, seemingly pleased with himself.
"It is on sight next round motherfucker!" Epic yelled, Nightmare only laughed at that.
"You are so mean!" Cross yelled into his mic.
"Hold on two others want to join" Horror spoke up once more.
"Hello assholes" hissed Al into her mic.
"Hi friends!" Blue chirped happily.
"Al, where have you been? You said you were joining half an hour ago!" Killer asked, hearing Al snicker.
"If you haven't heard the bounce in the mics, I'm sitting next to Nightmare cause I had to drive here to help Dream with cosmo" Al answered. (cosmo is Nights and Dreams cat)
"What's up with cosmo?" Cross asked, concerned.
"Oh nothing! He's okay! He just has some allergies, nothing that some kitty meds won't help with" Al stated, a small evil smile on her lips.
"So nightmare kicked y'all's asses apparently" Al said as they joined the lobby, her giggling immediately heard through her and Nightmares mic.
"Shut up!" Yelled Error aka the one who died first.
"Al that's really mean to say!" Blue scolded.
"It was truth" nightmare laughed as he spoke, so it wasn't completely coherent.
"Yeah, everyone in the game?"
"Yeah!" Was said in unison.
"Let's go"
The game begins...
About 5 minutes in the game play, a body was reported.
"Oh shit hahaha" Horror laughed so hard he wasn't even wheezing correctly, cause Error was first dead again.
" found poor error here by electrical.." Blue sounded sad, Nightmare snorted.
"Okay, I was in decontamination bay" Nightmare stated, knowing he'd immediately be a suspect.
"I can actually confirm that cause I passed him" Horror spoke right after him.
"Me and Cross were heading to admin" Epic defended.
"Blue...why were you heading to electrical?" Al asked, tapping her nail against her phone.
"Oh! I had some task called wires! I followed the arrows!" Blue chirped happily.
"Yep, it's not him" Al said with a small sigh.
"Dust your extremely quiet right now" Cross called out, earning a small wheeze from Killer.
"Well, because I'm listening to you guys, I was on cams" Dust (the camper) spat out defensively.
"What about you killer?" Nightmare asked.
"I was heading toward cafeteria" Killer stated.
"Geez this is hard" Epic said allowed.
"I'm skipping" Al said first.
"I'm with her" Nightmare pressed skip.
"I'm skipping to" Dust spoke directly after Nightmare.
"I don't know, Killer kinda sus" Dust said lightly, earning a offended gasp.
"Dude" Cross wheezed.
"The betrayal in this room" Horror choked out as he laughed, highly enjoying himself.
"What the fuck Dust!" Killer hissed.
Everyone just skipped this round.
It wasn't even three minutes later another body was reported.
"No! Blue!" Horror gasped.
"Oh shit" Al face palmed, her normal go to.
"Okay so, Dust where is the body?" Nightmare asked, seeming to ask the right questions.
"He's by cafeteria, like near the entrance" Dust described as he was the one who found blue.
"I passed Killer heading toward Decontamination" Horror spoke up again.
"Me and Epic are in security" Cross vouched (the pair that stays together)
"I was heading to admin, I just got done with this long ass task, the one where you drain the ship" Al defense was pretty accurate to an actual task.
"I'm starting to think it's dust, cause dust seems to be the only one around there" Killer spoke up, revenge.
"Hey!" Dust growled.
"I actually agree slightly" Nightmare's voice was very low that you almost couldn't hear him.
"Vote Dust?" Cross said in the chat.
"Hey!" Dust didn't even defend himself as everyone voted for him.
Dust was the imposter came across all their screens, making everyone go into laughing fits as another round of rage came from Error.
It was a good time for the crew

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