Crossmare cause why else are you here

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This is for the cutie @afurrythatwritesbad

"What do you want?" Cross asked, annoyed.
"Well you see, sense it is our official one year anniversary, I feel like it was time to actually go somewhere nice for dinner" Nightmare had a weird smile on his face that made Cross very nervous.
" it McDonald's?" Cross drawled out.
"What? No, I said nice" Nightmare looked slightly offended.
"Oh" Cross said with a small laugh. He loved to annoy Nightmare, it was his soul purpose in life.
"No, I'm taking you to that one restaurant next to the complex in town" Nightmare said with a small smirk as Cross's mouth dropped and he got that cute sparkle in his eye.
He always had it when he was happy and excited so Nightmare tried to keep him that way constantly.
Even if it caused him to feel weak and miserable.
Damn being the god of negative.
His boyfriend bounced up and down as he squealed.
"We are going to the fancy Indian place?!?" Cross got even more over joyed when Nightmare nodded, Nightmare was trying to hide his love struck grin that had now placed itself onto his maw.
Yeah, he failed.
Cross then placed his hands on Nightmares cheeks and gave him a small, quick kiss. It was still enough to make Nightmare feel like a million volts of electricity shot through him.
He was never ready for his lovers affection, and Nightmare hoped to himself that he never did get used to Cross giving him affection.
As the day carried on, Nightmare himself actually became excited. He was happy for a change and he still couldn't believe he had gotten so lucky to have Cross in his life, much less as a significant other.
Finally the hour came, the both hand in hand walked their happy asses down to the small Indian restaurant that was dimly lit on the inside. They were greeted by a over dramatic waiter who showed them to their table a little to happily before getting their drink orders.
Nightmare of course got water, and Cross got...
The kids meal chocolate milk.
Nightmare had to laugh at that, his lover was always slightly predictable.
Cross was beaming in the seat across from Nightmare, looking at his menu with visible interest.
Nightmare couldn't help but stare at him, he was just so precious.
"Night you're staring"
"I know"
"Why can't you be flustered like normal people caught staring"
"Cause I'm not normal"
By then the weird waiter came back with their drinks and they ordered, immediately the waiter sang their order back to them and spun away..
Yeah that guy is weird but whatever.
"What made you decide to bring me here?" Cross asked with a soft smile, reaching across the table and placing his hand on top of Nightmares.
Nightmare felt conflicted.
He could tell the truth and say he begged Al to ask Cross about restaurants and places he wanted to go to so he could surprise him.
He could say lucky guess that cross wanted to come here and try this place.
"Lucky guess, I didn't know if you'd be excited or not. Glad to know I made the right choice" Nightmare said smoothly as he intertwined their fingers.
He was never going to admit he begged. Ever.
Not long after that, their food came. Nightmare had trouble breathing due to laughter as Cross chugged six chocolate milks cause what he was served was extremely spicy.
Cross was never not entertaining.
Nightmare paid for the meal and they left with smiles on their faces and arms locked together like a old time couple.
Nightmare loved walking Cross home, especially during the winter. Cross would press into him due to the cold and it some how made Nightmare warmer and his soul swell from the affection.
Cross went on and on about everything and nothing, Nightmare just listened as he spewed nonsense and rambles from who knows where in that skull of his.
The air was nipping and crisp this evening as the two walked, sun setting in the distance of the busy city as they made their way to Cross's apartment. So Nightmare got his wish of Cross pressing himself into his to escape the cold.
When they finally reached the apartment building that Cross lived in Nightmare followed him straight to his door. Cross lived on the second floor, three doors down. Nightmare made sure to remember when he first came over to Cross's home. Way before they were a couple even.
That's when they finally reached said door that belonged to Cross, Cross let out a small sigh and gave Nightmare one of his cute smiles that made poor Nightmares soul do cartwheels.
"Thank you for tonight Nights"
"Oh, don't worry about thanking me. It meant more to me than you'll ever know"
"You're such a romantic for someone labeled 'god of negative'"
That's when Cross grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in for the most heated kiss that Cross ever delivered.
It was a shock when Cross indicated the lip lock and Nightmare definitely was never ready for those. Nightmare pushed Cross into the wall and returned the kiss with as much passion as he could fathom. It was quick, yet, Nightmare loved it.
When they parted, due to the fear of being caught, their faces were flushed with color. A bit out of breath on both their parts.
"A-sorry" Cross giggled, Nightmare laughed and leaned his forehead against Cross's.
"Don't be" Nightmare whispered.
"Be safe on your way home?"
And with that they parted completely, Nightmare watched as Cross opened his door, stepping inside and giving one last look to nightmare before he waved, closing the door quietly behind him.
This was a good one year anniversary, one nightmare would never forget.

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