Chapter 15~Something's . . . Off

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I woke up at my usual time, early in the morning. Through my curtains, the sun had just began to rise, a ray slowly crawling it's way to my window. I threw on a pair of faded jeans and a random blue t-shirt sitting on the floor. When I left the back room I was surprised to find Jacob sitting at one of the tables, sipping a glass and seeming to expect me to come out.

Kev was in the kitchen tossing around some scrambled eggs in a pan. "Could you fry a few slices of toasts, Amber?" he asked when he noticed the door swing open.


After the sizzle of toast calmed and the slices were placed onto separate plates Kev spoke. "So where were you planning to run off to with that boy today?" he said as he divided the scrambled eggs onto the plates.

"Oh, uh, the coast?" I said, coming out as more of a question.

"I'm glad you're finally taking time to be outside, but do you have to be with that boy all day?"

I sighed. "No, I don't have to, but I want to. He's the first person my age I'm actually friends with. And he's on the island, so it's a lot easier to hang out with him."

"Just as a friend?"

I bumped his shoulder. "Yes, just friends. It's also really awkward when you keep thinking I like him."

"I know. I guess I got excited when you finally found a friend apart from Martin. You're parents would have been happy."

We fell silent. Kev dropped his head at the realization. It was always strange to mention my parents, especially today of all days. "Yeah . . . Yeah, I think they would have," I say distantly. I bit my bottom lip at the sound of Kev sighing. "Are we still going to bake that cake tonight?" I tried my best to sound upbeat.

"Of course, it's our little tradition." Kev turned his head and smiled. Through his eyes I could still see sadness resting at the bottom of his nearly deep less irises. I smiled back. Everyone has sadness in their lives, but for some it stays hidden at the back of their minds, constantly inching out when you least expect it. That moment when you finally notice it's been there, it jumps out and you break down in a mixture of fear, anguish and misery. This moment was only waiting to happen.

* * *

I dropped the plate in front of Jacob as he began dozing off with his hand on his cheek. "Tired?"

Jacob nodded soberly. "Yeah. I was, uh, up all night."

"Doing what?" I ask as I shuffled some scrambled eggs onto the toast.

"On my phone." Jacob looked down at the dish with anticipation.

"I thought you had no cell service here," I said through chewing.

"I don't. I was kinda looking at photos."

I stifled a laugh. "You mean, the ones you took of Emma?" I peered up smiling.

"No. Why would I be looking at photos of her?" Jacob said in a sad attempt to be cool.

"So what photos were you looking at then?" I smirked.

Jacob turned red.

I broke out laughing.

"Anyway, let's go. I wanna see what the kids have in store for us," said Jacob. When I calmed down and looked back to Jacob he had miraculously transferred the eggs and toast into his mouth within two minutes flat. Impressive. And yes, I was laughing for two minutes. I laugh a lot.

"Sure, sure, gimme a second. I don't have ridiculous chewing skills like you."

Jacob smiled. "Alright, but hurry. I ditched my dad to avoid another lecture from him. He could be down any minute."

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