Chapter 26~Treading Deep Water

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I'm sure it would be fine, but just a word of warning that the f bomb will drop, but considering you've seen Amber swear with shit and crap, I'm sure this one f bomb would be acceptable. Alrighty, enjoy!


The shot rang out as clear as a bell, and at the sound of it, Millard and I stopped, looking up. "Oh no," he muttered, a sense of terror lacing his words.

"Oh my god . . . " For a moment, neither of us dared move, but then a sudden feeling came over me, and I jumped to my feet, racing toward the doorway to the light house. Just as I'd reached it, a hand grabbed my forearm in a vicelike grip. I spun my head around with a startled look to see the faint outline of a figure, blurry and almost unnoticeable if adrenalin wasn't beginning to pump my veins once again. "Wait," said Millard, his voice small and enveloped, "Be careful," he paused, as if hesitating to add something. "I love you."

A grin drew upon my face and I nodded in submission with a sudden determined feeling. "I love you, too, Mil. And don't worry, I wouldn't dream of dying." Then I turned around and sped through the door and toward the stairs, before taking a last glimpse of Millard as what I assumed was his outline stood against the backdrop of breaking waves. There came one last look before I glanced up to my destination and bolted up the steps.

Knowing time was of the essence, I took two at a time, though, it was hard considering the staircase swung teasingly and there was barely any room for me to run without getting my head smacked by the stairs above. As I attempted to go as quick as I could, my mind threw about a few thoughts;

Oh my god, Millard kissed me.
Are Jacob and Emma alright?
Did he really mean it when he said he loves me?
Holy crap, there was gun fire.
How do you love an invisible boy?

Back and forth did the two subjects go, but I had to keep them set on one; Jacob and Emma. My personal life cannot be more important than two lives. As the hollow of my steps quickly grew quieter and I slowly lost my breath, the slapping wind and seemingly distant fight grew until I finally reached an opening in the stones above that led to the light of the lighthouse - the set for the final showdown.

As I peeked my head through, it was clear that someone was struggling with someone else, but it was happening on the other side of the ominous beacon that would every so often come around and blind me with it's light. A choked back scream emerging as the distinct sound of scorching flames burned with it. I whipped around the corner as quick as I could, my hair gliding against the gust of wind that suddenly blew through the space. The first thing I saw, but was unable to process, was Golan, his face screaming unbearable pain and anger only truly expressive through his almost pitiful howling. It burst out his mouth like a deranged animal and I couldn't imagine what was the cause, until I noticed a pair of nimble hands enclosing Golan's neck. They glowed and strained with fury, and as I took a long glance at the face behind it, it was as if I saw an alternate version of a person I thought I knew. Emma's expression bled with such violence and rage that it was almost tangible through the flames and heat radiating off of her hands. It may have seemed out of place, but I was scared, and I wasn't even the one she wanted to kill.

Then, at the corner of my eye, I noticed something and turned with a gasp. Jacob was sprawled on the floor, his back to me and limbs strewn about, as if he were just an unwanted rag doll thrown away. I darted to his side, but before I could reach him, a sudden wounded cry came from the scuffle - a cry I knew could not be from Golan. Emma was hunched over, her arms against her stomach, and head bowed down in pain. Golan had one of his elbows reared back, then, as swift as a snake about to pounce, he spun around and wrapped his hands around Emma's throat, forcing her to the ground.

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