Chapter 8~A Cut On My Hand

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Miss Peregrine gestured with a laced glove to come and take her hand when she noticed our bound hands. "Miss Bloom!" she cried causing me to jump. "What is the meaning of this? Is that anyway to treat a guest? Free them at once!"

"But Headmistress! He's a snoop and a liar and, and I don't know what else!" Emma said giving another one of her classic death stared to Jacob. "And she tried to hit me with a pan!" she said pointing an accusing finger toward me.

Miss Peregrine gave a questioning glance to Emma so she huffed and walked over to her, whispering something in her ear. Miss Peregrine suddenly started laughing loud and long making me jump once more. Man am I jumpy today. "Why, Miss Bloom! What diluted balderdash! If this boy were a wight you'd already be stewing in his soup kettle. Of course he's Abraham Portman's grandson. Just look at him!"

We all looked to Jacob, Emma with another death stare to which Jacob responded by blushing. Emma whispered something back to Miss Peregrine. "Of course not! He's merely brought a friend! No need to be worried Miss Bloom," she assured her. Emma began to protest but was cut short when Miss Peregrine gave her a death stare. I'll do the honours of saying she got a taste of her own medicine.

"Oh all right," Emma sighed, "but don't say I didn't warn you." Emma walked back to us and, with a few tugs, the bounds fell loose and I rubbed my wrists. I looked down to them, they were red and some how bleeding. Then I realized my hand was still cut and letting loose more blood now that the blood could circulate again. I held my hand into a fist and winced but eventually the pain dimmed.

I looked up the Miss Peregrine speaking. "You'll have to pardon Miss Bloom," she began, "she has a certain flair for the dramatic."

"So I've noticed," teased Jacob, I snickered.

Emma scowled. "If he's who he says he is, then why don't he know the first thing about loops-or even what year he's in? Go on, ask him!" I winced at the grammatically incorrect use of don't but decided not to correct her.

"Why doesn't he know," Miss Peregrine corrected. "And the only person whom I'll be subjecting to questioning is you, tomorrow afternoon, regarding the proper use of grammatical tense!" I smiled triumphantly. Emma groaned.

"Now, if you don't mind, I need to have a word with Mr. Portman and Miss DeVine in private." I was shocked to know she also knew my last name and I showed this with wide eyes.

Emma knew it was futile to argue, sighing she walked to the door. Just before she left she gave a worried glance to Jacob, almost like she was concerned. I faced Jacob and he did the same we exchanged glances of confusion.

"You too Mr. Nullings!" Miss Peregrine yelled out into the air. "Polite persons do not eavesdrop on the conversations of others!"

"I was only lingering to inquire if you should like some tea," said Millard at the corner of the room. I smiled, total suck-up.

"We should not, thank you," Miss Peregrine ordered politely. I heard Millard's bare feet slap against the wooden floor boards, the door suddenly swung open and shut, signalling he was out of the room.

"I would ask you to sit," said Miss Peregrine, gesturing to some of the chairs, "but it appears you two are encrusted with filth." I looked down to my pants again, normally I wouldn't mind people sitting on my furniture all dirty, I lived on Cairnholm after all! But when I realized just how messed up my tights were I decided to kneel on the floor with Jacob doing the same.

Once we were settled. Miss Peregrine began. "You've been on the island for several days now," she said directing it to Jacob. "Why have you dawdled so long before paying us a visit?"

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