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"Welcome demons of Hell! To our new show where we rag on a certain deer! As you know, I'm Vox and the host! These are my associates Valentino and Velvet!"

"Hey Guys!" Velvet grinned.

"Hey" Valentino said disinterested.

"Hey!-" Velvet took the microphone from Vox.

"SO! We know this is just an attempt to hide the major boners they have for Al, Right?"

"exCuSe You!" Vox shrieked

"Hey, you know I'm not ashamed of my package. And my intentions to deliver said package to Bambi." 

He began describe all the things he would do during said "delivery".

"Anyway, before we really get into this, we want your opinions on if we should really do this or something else."

"Leave your comments down below." 

Valentino was still describing his "delivery" when the video was cut.

- - - 

Somewhere in his tower, Alastor felt a shiver run down his spine and the overwhelming feeling to protect his innocence.

Wait, what innocence?

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