Episode One?

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*The video was shaky and it was clear the one holding the camera was trying to hold in their laughter.

The camera was focused on a certain deer who seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll. He passed by a large electronics store and Vox's face popped up on the screen. He was grinning while next to him was the caption "Call Me!". 

That charming bastard.

The camera zoomed in on Alastor's confused face before the camera stilled. The person seemed to stop laughing and was now confused. You could hear them mutter a small "What is he doing here?". 

The camera moved away from Alastor and went to the corner behind the deer. There in all his glory was Valentino and he seemed to be slowly inching toward Alastor, as if the smallest sound would set him off. With all the grace of a hunter, Valentino inched forward until he was right behind the deer.

Taking a stance as if he were about to execute him, He raised his right arm high into the air. With all the skill of a baseball player, he brought his hand down with great strength . . .

And slapped Alastor's ass so hard the sound was deafening.

That horny bastard.

Vox turned annoyed at being interrupted while he was trying to charm his way into the deer's pants and Alastor . . .

He looked ready to kill the pimp. 

Valentino only gave sly grin before hauling ass out of there.

It seemed the situation killed the persons kneecaps and they fell to the ground dying with laughter. Alastor seemed to hear this and turned his sight to the one holding the camera. They turned the camera so you could see their face while they were being chased by a homicidal deer. Velvets face was red with laughter as she ran.

You could hear radio static before the video was cut off*

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