Episode 2

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"What's up, guys? It's me, your host for today, Velvet. Today, we're going to send both Vox and Valentino to actually hold a conversation with their future wife. Instead of aggressively flirting with the man." She mutter the last bit in a dead tone.

Vox scowled at her and tried to snatch the mic and Valentino just grinned.

"Okay, so the way we will be doing this is; we're going send them in with a body cam and wire."

- - - - - - - - - 

"Here they go now." 

Velvet was at the studio and there was a large screen behind her. The screen showed the view from the body cams.

*The video was shaky as it was clear they were looking for a certain someone. You could here arguing in the background

It took them 20 minutes before they gave searching his usual spots. They went into a nearby bar. The bar had a bright sign in the front saying 'Mimzy's'. 

They sat for a bit just drinking and talking.*

Velvet seemed to have gotten bored and was playing on her phone.

*Inside the bar there was a stage and suddenly the lights dimmed everywhere except the stage. Someone came and announced that the entertainment was beginning. 

The camera was turned so you could fully see the stage. The curtain was pulled to the side and many performers flooded the stage wearing period clothing. They were fluffy and flamboyant. Based on the conversation between Vox and Val, they were not entertained. 

"I know I'm a pimp, but right now the only one I want to see shaking their stuff would be Bambi."

"Same."  They both seemed to be disappointed.

The performers stopped and left after a bit. Once they left, there a clack of shoes moving towards the stage. 

Clack. Clack. Clack.

They stopped and the curtain pulled back to reveal a certain deer. All around you could see those in the bar getting scared. The deer merely smiled and nodded towards someone in the crowd.

He began singing.

"I don't want to set the world on fire

I just want to start a flame in your heart

In my heart, I have but one desire

And that one is you, no other will do

I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim

I just want to be the one you love 

and with your admission that you feel the same 

I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of, believe me

I don't want to set the world on fire 

I just want to start a flame in heart" He stopped.

The camera stilled.

"Your setting fire to my crotch." Valentino yelled from the bar.

There were gasps from the audience, some grumbled at the ruined moment, and many were too scared to laugh.

Vox shrieked when he began to open his mouth again.

"You little shi-"

Alastor merely raised an eyebrow at them. He walked down the stage and toward the bar. 




Valentino began to walk behind him but Alastor wouldn't let him. He seemed to know what he was going to do. Vox scowled and offered the seat next to him. Alastor narrowed his eyes at him but after a bit of avoiding the pimps wandering hands, he accepted. For once, the two were civilized and made small talk for a bit.

This went on for a bit before they started to get more comfortable.

The three were laughing and drinking for a long while before Alastor got ready to leave.

"Well, gentlemen, it would seem; we are gay." He said still chuckling from Vox's joke.

Vox fell off his chair and Valentino lit up like a child on Christmas. 

"Oh baby, You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that!" Valentino grinned.

Alastor only smiled and said goodbye.

They left the bar in high spirits.*

When they got back, Velvet was on her phone.

They explained what happened and when they got to the end, Velvet cackled.

"Hey! What's so funny?" Vox scowled.

"You do know that in his time the definition for gay was most commonly happy, right?"

She didn't need an answer. Their faces said it all.

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