Episode 3

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"Welcome back Viewers! To another episode-!" Velvet dodged a flying chair.

"You bitch! You love that pet more than you love me!" Valentino shrieked 

"At least he comforts me when I'm sad! I shouldn't even be here right now! I need to find him!" Vox's voice cracked.

"Aw, you gonna cry? For your missing pet?" Valentino smirked.

"You seem to be doing a lot of grinning and not enough of shutting the fuck up!" 

"You little sHiT-!" 

"Guys! Shut the fuck up, we're live."

They grumbled before sitting down.

"Valentino, we get it, you're jealous. And you would be freaking out if your chihuahua went missing.  Vox, don't have some sort of tracker in his collar? I know you don't put it on often, but didn't he have it the last time you saw him?"

"Well, yeah, but I can't seem to get a signal. The tracker itself was disabled but the camera can still be used." Vox sighed.

"If the camera is still working then why can't you use it?"

"There's no signal."


They looked awkward before a beep sounded throughout the room. They had forgotten they were still live for a bit. Vox lit up light a Christmas tree. 

"Guys, that's the notification I set up for if the camera got a signal!"

Vox rushed to connect it to the big screen.

"The camera stopped recording an hour ago. It's not letting me go forward to see where he is right now."

Apparently they had to look at the entire thing.

A whole days worth of footage.

"Well, let get to it."

*The camera was shaky as it seemed they were getting back from a walk. Vox was getting ready to go some where else. 

"Bye bye Vark!"

He waved the shark goodbye.

Vark played around for a bit before he walked to the door. Getting up on his hind legs, he twisted the door knob and opened the door. He made his way outside.*

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