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"Hello there!"

Vox flinched for a second before he recognized the voice. It was Alastor's mother.

"Hi again! Were you expecting Alastor?"

Vox didn't know what to say. He was definitely expecting Alastor to be the only one to speak to him through the radio. Families do exist amongst the sinners in the Hell and they do look similar most of the time but they can vary in power.

"Think nothing of it! Alastor is a bit tied up at the moment so he is letting me use his power for a bit. You don't need to say a thing but I just wanted to let you know that we have free time tomorrow for dinner so come over and we can talk about your intentions with our son."

Vox silently pumped his fist in the air and mumble a small 'FUCK yes!'

"Well, that is all for now. I hope you can join us for dinner tomorrow around 6."

Vox couldn't describe it but her voice was laced with amusement as if she was watching him. He decided it didn't matter as he had to tell Val the great news.

He rushed over to the studio and burst through the doors. He began to call out.

"Val! Val! They called! We're invited to dinner!"

The scene before him was a mess and Angel Dust was shaking in a corner. He grimaced but ignored it and turned to a pissed off Val.

"Val, we gotta prepare for dinner with his parents tomorrow. You can finish whatever this is later but we gotta go." Angel Dust seemed to relax a bit after hearing that. Poor guy must have been overworked.

Val sighed and turned to leave the room.

"Val, where are you going?" Vox glanced at Angel Dust when he moved to cover himself but ultimately followed Val out the door.

"I don't see why we gotta kiss up to his parents just to get something as small as permission to court him."

"What do you mean? You said you were willing to cut off your balls for him."

"I did and I still am, for him not his parents."

They enter the main office of the studio and shut the door behind them for some privacy.

"It's nothing big. We just gotta go to dinner with them and explain what we want. We gotta show we're in it for the long run."

"Why do I gotta show it to his mommy and daddy? We're grown ass adults. I don't need their permission."

"But it would certainly help us get in his good graces."

Vox was getting pissed. Val made all this fuss just to refuse the tentative hand they were given. Why couldn't he just see this for the opportunity it was?

"Who cares!? He can decide for himself who he wants to date-"

"VaL! We're GoiNg to tHis dinner and thAt is finaL! I don't get why you're so pissy about this but you can shove your whining up your dick for all I care!"

Vox stormed out of the room, leaving an equally pissed Val behind.

Little did either of them know someone was listening in on their conversation.

* * * *

"What a performance! The drama! The outrage!" Alastors voice rang out in the lobby of the hotel as Angel Dust made his way into the hotel and to the bar.

"I . . . don't get it." Charlie said, confused.

"What are we talking about?" Angel Dust asked Husker.

"Just listen for a bit." He grumbled.

"Whatever do you mean my dear?'

"She means why are we listening to Vox and Val argue over some dinner?" Vaggie said.

"Well, if you must know, these two have started focusing their attention on me recently so my parents asked them to join us for dinner at our home. They just want to find out their intentions. I won't be telling Mother about what we have just heard, however, it's likely she won't allow Valentino into our home either way. She's not too fond of his work."

"Wait, you have parents here!? Why didn't you say so? Bring them to the hotel so we can meet them."

"Maybe but look at the time. I simply must get going as I have a meeting with my dear Rosie. Mother suggested I get a bit of advice before permission is given for courting. Farewell!"

He was gone with a flash leaving the room in a stunned silence.

"The FUCK was all of that!?" 

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