The End

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The home he was brought to looked very small but looks can be deceiving in a place filled with magic. The building itself was situated near a swamp. Vox didn't focus too much on what he was seeing because he was hyper fixating on the warm feeling surrounding his hand. Alastor hadn't let go.

"Follow me."

Kind of hard not too because he hasn't let go. Vox was delighted but he couldn't decide if it being on purpose or not was better.

Alastor pulled him forward and knocked on the door. There was silence before Alastor let go of his hand and the door swung open to reveal a smiling man. Alastors father.

"Hello! You must be Vox. It's nice to meet you."

He held out his hand and said "Likewise, sir. Thank you for inviting me."

"It's nothing to think too much about. We just want to know your intentions with our son. Yes, we know he's an adult and can choose for himself but we can't help but be worried. Thank you for indulging in us."

Vox could understand the sentiment. As far as he knew, Alastor was their only child. Plus, they were in hell so not a lot of great options.

"It's no problem, honestly! I can understand the worry."

"Well, let's not stand in the doorway. You came for dinner. We can continue at the dining table."

He welcomed them into the house and led them to the dinner table where his mother was setting up. She was humming a little tune and had a pep in her step. He could smell the food and he couldn't wait to have a taste.

"Let me help you with that mother. Vox, you can continue talking with my father."

He joined her in the prep while Vox turned to the man who had a soft smile.

"When he was a child, he loved doing everything with his mother. Cooking, cleaning, reading, you name it and he joined her."

"Really? That sounds nice. What did he do with you?"

"When he wasn't spending time with his mother, he was out hunting with me. He loves hunting."

The image of Alastor covered in blood and laughing as he pulled a sinner apart flashed through his head.

"He sure does." He chuckled.

Vox couldn't deny that he liked watching Alastor eating sinners. It was kinda hot. Vox personally preferred to torture them.

"I've seen your fights with Alastor."

Shit. That's not a good look.

"You have? What did you think of them?"

"Don't worry. You wouldn't be in our home if we cared about that. Plus, we know Alastor had fun."

Well. Vox already knew Alastor liked a good fight but for his parents to know means he talked about him already-

"We're done. Time to eat!"

The table was round and had four seats. He took the seat next to Alastor and gave him a knowing smile.

"What is it?" Alastor asked with his eyes narrowed.

"You talked about me to your parents, huh?"

There was a screeching noise. Vox chuckled and turned to look at the food on his plate.


His mouth was salivating.

"The food looks good ma'am!"

"Thank you, dear. Dig in! I made enough for thirds if you want more."

He didn't need to be told twice. The first bite was heavenly and so was the second.

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