Episode 4

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*The shark wandered around before they seemed to realize they were lost.

A gang of demon appeared out of nowhere and cornered the creature. They were playing with the shark but the joy was one sided. This went on for another minute before a certain demon appeared.

"Well, what do we have here? A few pathetic creatures are playing around. However, I'm not in the mood for some playtime. I'm quite hungry."*

Vox was actually scared for his friend.

*The deer changed into something ghastly.

Thin, long limbs. 

Sharp teeth

large antlers

He was ready for a feast.

In a horrifying scene, Alastor summoned a few tentacles to hold the others while he played with them one by one. He tore them to pieces and bit into their flesh. 

He made sure to keep them alive for the whole thing.

After a while, the last demon of the group was up to Alastor. He was shaking and the deer only smiled. 

He had the tentacles grab a hold of each of his limbs. He then had them pulled slowly apart. His screams had echoed all throughout the area. Instead of eating him, he simply dropped him to the floor.

His limbs were hanging on by a string.

"It would seem I've become full."

He ignored the shark but the shark was interested in following him.*

"I want that man to be my baby mama"


*The shark followed the deer for a bit before the he noticed he was being followed.

"Well, look who we have here. Are you lost little guy?"

The shark sat in front of him and weirdly wagged his tail.

"Aren't you a cute little fella? It say here your name is Vark. What a peculiar name."

He pet the shark for a bit before getting up to leave.

"Would you like to come with me for a while and stay at my tower before we find your owner?"

He got his answer when the creature brushed up against his leg. He picked him up and led him away through the shadows.*

"Seriously, there has to be a way to impregnate a man in hell."

"He would make a great mother"

*The camera was fuzzy before clearing up to show a living room.

"This is my tower, Vark. Make yourself at home. And before I forget, I would like you to meet my little sweethearts. Girls! Come greet our guest!"

Two full sized alligators crept up to the deer and stood at his feet.

"Girls, this is Vark. Vark, these are my little dolls Antoinette and Agatha. Girls say hi."

They hissed in greeting before walking away with Vark following them.*

"Fuck, I'm ready to have a go at this man."

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