Rules and Regulation

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Rules and Regulations:

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Rules and Regulations:

This rules will not be so strict but I hope everyone would follow:

1. Respect. No fighting. No Bullying or any sort of Harm are not allowed

2. Be active as long as possible. If you have any sorts of problems just feel to message with on my twitter account @/withtxtforever or on my DM.

2.1. Vote and Comment. It really means much to me. It's made me inspire to made more and improve on my writings

3. Be patience. I am just only one person and I am College Student so please be patience if I don't update everyday. But I will try to update in my free time.

4.Ships are already allowed...

5. Your trainee must not be perferct. Be realistic as possible

6.Please Tag some of your friends(Not really necessary but I gladly appreciate it if you can)

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