Special Episode#5: Mini Interview

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Park Bo Gum: Good morning ladies and gentlemen! This is Park Bo Gum

Kim So Hyun: And this is Kim So Hyun

Park Bo Gum & Kim So Hyun: We are your host for this today. Welcome to the K-Camp Mini Interview.

Kim So Hyun: On the last Special Episode, the viewers were encouraged to ask questions to the trainees, mentors, judges, staffs, and trainees

Park Bo Gum: So as of now, we got questions and messages from one of the viewers

Kim So Hyun: The first question is for Jin. Jin, how are you so lenient with your trainees?? Real idols get so much hate because of dating, and trainees aren't allowed to date! No offense

Jin(smiled): Thank you for that question or it is a message. I know that there is an unwritten role in Kpop that the trainees are not allowed to date, even the boys and girls are not allowed to be together and even the use of phones is not allowed. But why I do allowed my trainees to date? It's because I wanted to make a difference. I don't want to follow any of those unwritten roles. I wanted my trainees to experience freedom. I wanted them to experience being free. I wanted them to express what they feel. I wanted them to have a good relationship on their opposite sex. I don't want to be a hindrance to their feeling. I don't want them to stop on what they feel. I believed that romance, dating is not a hindrance for the success of my trainees. I want them to climb up and reach the stars with love and unity. Also, I just wanted to change the perception of the viewers. I wanted the viewers to understand and respect the trainees and idols. I want them to treat the idols not their gods, they should always remember that idols are not perfect. Real idols get so much hate because of dating, I know that one but I want to make a difference. Also, their freedom has also boundaries. Lastly, I wanted to share this to the viewers and to the trainees, "Free to fly up with your dreams, free to love. You may fall down but always remember that I, the staff, your family and friends will always be there to get you up" I hope that answers your question

Kim So Hyun: Thank you for that Jin. Next is for Bang PD, PSY, IU, TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK, JIMIN: Why are you all joining wattpad?? Please don't... Also is it good that I can sing high notes very easily and my voice doesn't crack without any singing lessons

Taehyung: What is wattpad?

Jimin: I also don't know. Hyung?(Looking at Namjoon)

RM: It is a sort of where you can read and write stories. It is an online platform. I heard that our story will be published there in January 2021

Jungkook: Then hyung why they asked that we don't need to join wattpad

RM: I also don't know

Edg: Subaenims ahmmm wattpad has many fan fiction stories wherein there is Y/N X Idols stories, applyfic, ship stories

Jungkook: Thank you Edg. That's why... and Guys let's try to read

Taehyung: I like your idea Kookie

J-Hope: I think the one who handled the account is staff so they are safe

Suga: Also the staff will not really look into that staff

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