Episode 4(Part1):

36 6 66

"I want to be a superstar"

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"I want to be a superstar"

"I want to be like them"

"I want to debut"

3 weeks before K-Camp started

MJ: Hey D!!! Hows your life in Germany?

DG: It's Good!!!! I'm really so stressed about the incoming survival competition of Jackson oppa

MJ: Oh the Team Wang?

DG: Yup yup

MJ: Do you know that Jin oppa also starting survival competition?

DG: Wait Really?????

MJ: Yeah I'm so super stressed you know.... Jin relied me a lot on me

DG: Good luck MJ!!!

MJ: Wait I planned something interesting

MJ: Wait I planned something interesting

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MJ began to whispered something

DG: I really like your idea, my evil twin sister

MJ(Smirk): I know right

After the announcement:

"Good luck guys" N said to the the girls

"We will support you... Fighting!!!" Siwoo said

"I know you can do it" Adam said

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