Episode 9(Part 2): Mission Performance

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1 pm at the afternoon Before the performance started

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1 pm at the afternoon Before the performance started...

"Ethan...Min Jae... I'm going to quit" Edg said. They were inside the entertainment room. The three of them was the only one there

"This will be my last performance" She said

"W-why are you going to quit?" Ethan ask him

"I will be following my dream"

Silence felt into the room. No one was talking. Their tears slowly dropping.

"Y-you said that this is your dream and now you are leaving because of a dream? What the heck? Please tell me the true reason" Min Jae said while holding Edg shoulder. He was crying.

"That is the true reason, Jae. This? I did not never dream to become an idol because all I did was to follow you, Ethan and Min Jie that was the sole reason I entered in this competition. I wanted to tried this and I realize that this whole idol thing is not for me" She said

"Please Edg...Don't leave...Chae Min Woo... Please just for me...Don't quit yet" Min Jae pleaded

"Min Jae... For once...Can you please agree? Can you please just let me go?"

"Min Woo... If you leave for your dream, I will allow you..."Ethan said with a bitter smile

"Eros, why are you allowing her to leave?"

"Jae, we cannot just let her force to stay. This is her choice and we don't have a right. We are just her friends and we must respect her choice"

"Don't worry, I will continue to support you in your journey. I will be your #0 fan promise." Edg said

"Okay...If it is your choice and then you can go for it... I will support you" Min Jae said and hug

"Don't leave me behind...I will suport you too, Min Woo" Ethan said and then he hug them

After few hour...

"By the way, why #0 and not #1? It means we are really nothing? You are so baddd...." Ethan jokingly said

"Lol, Ethan! #0 because in the number we always start in 0 and I was there for you when you start dreaming to become an idol and I wil there when you would debut" Edg said

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