Episode 6(Part 2)

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"I want to be a superstar"

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"I want to be a superstar"

"I want to be like them"

"I want to debut"


While they were in their respective practice room, the trainees were concentrated on their world while thinking about what they would perform. After an hour, all of the trainees decided what to perform. Some of them proceed in composing songs, some were starting to practice the choreography while some of them went to start to practice on the song they want to sing.

Camp Phoenix-Camp Dynamite

Ethan went beside at Min Jae. "Hey bro! What are you going to do on this mission?"

"Well, I just compost a song. A Chinese song" Min Jae said

"Oh that awesome. Can I look at it?" He nodded and gave a piece of paper to Ethan

"This is a deep man! You are so great. How can you compost it and take note it's a Chinese language"

"Thanks bro how about you?"

"Well, I'm going to dance with my own choreography"

"Wow! Daebak! I will be seeing you dance again. I know you can rock the stage"

"Hello guys what are you going to perform?" Min Jie came 

"Well I will be going to dance my own compost song and Ethan will be going to dance"

"Wait, Ethan you're going to dance. Yes!!! Finally the judges can see your real you"

"Thanks but I'm nervous"

"Bro, I know you can do it" Min Jae assure him

"Yup Twinny's right. Well I'm going to dance also"

"Wow! Your dance will be so lit honey" Ethan said

"I know honey" Min Jie said while smirking

"Gosh you two stop flirting on my front. And Ethan please not my sister" Min Jae said while slapping his faced and they just chuckled

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