Epispde 6(Part 3): Mission Performance

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Authors Note: It will be long update. I suggest to prepare some snacks while reading😊 and I really hope that you would participate in the live voting the instructions is in the story. There will be a harsh comment on some of the trainees and I'm really sorry if it is your trainee. I just let it so that the character would grow. Thank you guys for reading and I'm very sorry for wrong grammar

 Thank you guys for reading and I'm very sorry for wrong grammar

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Days passed by the trainees practiced on their first mission. Some of them did not get enough sleep and some of them start to diet.

The mentors were just observing them and gave them some comments on how to improve their performance. They take the comment of the mentors seriously and applied it.

Now it is the day on their performance. Aera woke up so early. She then proceed to the practice room to practice on her performance. After a minute, Perseus came in

"Good morning" Perseus mumbled

"Morning" She replied "Are you going to practice too?"

He nodded "You too?"

"Yup" She said "Gosh!I'm so nervous"

Perseus went near to her, "Look at me"

Aera looked at him

"You can do it" He said and he kissed his forehead. Then he smiled, "I know you can"

Aera blushed and they kept staring at each other

"Good Morninggggggg" Ethan shouted loudly. When Ethan came, the two stop staring and proceed at their task

"Did I disturbed something?"

"No you are not" Aera said but Perseus mumbled something

"Oh okay" He said and then he proceed to practice his choreography.

Meanwhile at the Camp Hydra, Noah proceed at the studio room. He practiced on his performance, when Deep came inside

"Hey, Good morning"

"Good morning and thank you for helping me composing the song"

"No problem buddy" she said and smiled at him

"Good morning" Hyunwoo came inside. His eyes was still close and proceed at the corner of the practice room

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