Mini Episode 7.1: Sam's auditioned clip

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Mini Episode 7.1: Sam's auditioned clip

"So we are in the 4th boy trainee already?" Jin said while arranging the files.

"According to his self evaluation, his main skill is rap and is sub skill is dance, is he rather showed us his rap skills?" Jungkook asked

"No I don't think so Kook, maybe he would showed us something different just like the other trainee" Jimin said "I'm so excited"

They all nodded and Jin began to played the auditioned clip.

All of them were amazed on how his graceful and at the same time powerful his dance moves. They can't help but to stare in the whole video

When the video ended all of them clap and Seulgi, Momo and Eunji can't help but to stand up

"Wow... That was just so spectacular" Key said

"I really like how he danced. It looked he is telling a story" Taemin said who are now talking.

"I agree with Taemin subaenim. He is not just telling a story but he also conveys his own feelings and emotion" J-hope said

"I really thought that he will be showed us his rapping skills but he just showed us his dance skills and that was just so amazing" Kai said

"His nickname SM dance machince proves that he is really dance machine." Jennie said

"Him and Ryun are great dancer how much more the others? I'm really excited on what he will showcase us more" Sandara said

"This guy is a great story teller and I'm sure he can be a great asset in the team" Rain said

"But hopefully he will showcase us more to his talents and skills" PSY said

"So anymore? If not let's procede to the fourth girl trainee..."

"Oh its girl again... I just really curios what's your secretary is thinking"

"I don't know but she just said she use random sampling method haist I really don't know what that's mean. She is weird sometimes"

"Jin, random sampling method is the most basic form of sampling method. In which the whole population is selected in unbiased way. So she really did great on using that method. You have a great secretary. What a smart girl" Namjoon said

"Wow hyung you are really smart" Jungkook said

"Haist whatever but that's good. Let's procede to the another trainee" Jin said and they nodded

 Let's procede to the another trainee" Jin said  and they nodded

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