Episode 5(Part 1)

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"I want to be a superstar"

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"I want to be a superstar"

"I want to be like them"

"I want to debut"

"So let's start" Jace said

"Ahmm so what do we do?" Kang Saera said awkwardly and Jace evil smiled and smirk

"Okay I didn't like that smirk already" Blossom whispered to Ryun

"Me too eunnie"

"Since we don't know what to perform yet, can you show to us your talent and skills?" Jace said

"We wanted to know more about you, so if you don't mind, perform something in front of us" Jun said. The K-camp trainees looked at each other. They were shock about this sudden performance but they nodded. They are not nervous and they smiled back


The 6 girls began to dance Mago by G-friend. As they performing the boys looked at them in disappointed face especially Jace with scrunched on his face

"Stop the music" Jace said in the middle of the song but the boys just looked at him

"I SAID STOPPPP THE MUSIC ALREADY" Jace shouted and all of them were shock because of what Jace did

The girls looked at him, they were so afraid

"Are you sure that was your performance? Tsk. I'm quite disappointed" Jace said and the girls just let their head down low

"It was ugly..."

"Jace hyung, you're too harsh" Chiro said

"As expected, Jace would react like that" Min Jin and Jun both whispered

"No... They need to know about it. Your performance was just you was like copy pasted what G-friend did. You did not show any emotion or you didn't owned the song. It was just a piece of..." before Jace could cursed, the 5 boys covered his mouth

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