Mini Episode 20.1: Ethan, Edg, Min Jae and Min Jie's auditioned clip

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Mini Episode 20.1: Ethan, Edg, Min Jae and Min Jie's auditioned clip

"Another group of friendship?" Kai asked while reviewing their trainees profiles

"It looks like that but this kind of friendship is kinda different because it include twins"Seolgi said

"What I really notice in this competition that almost of the participants are already friends which is quite different to the other survival competition" IU said

"You're right subaenim and the good advantage they can easily bond with each other" Jennie said

"Yet, the disadvantage it can cause division too" Key said

"Well, the CEO and the director of this competition is already on it. They prepared so many things. Right, hyung?" Jungkook said while looking at Jin

"You are absolutely right. So let's go now to their auditioned clips? On this time, it will be quite different. This group of friends planned to auditioned by pairs. Ethan and Edg, and Min Jae and Min Jie. So I hope you will evaluated them by individual and by pairs. Okay?"

"Oh they will be pair, so excited" Momo said and the other's nodded. Jin began to play the auditioned clip

All of the judges and mentors clapped and stand up. They were so amazed on how this two sang.

"Wow. That was great their harmonization is really good. Both of their voices really blend each other" IU said

"You're right and it is so calming and so healing. I really wanted to hear it 1 million times" Taehyung said

"Ethan's voice is so good and the way he plays the guitar while singing it is plus points but I think the others are more better than him" BoA said "Regarding to Edg, wow her voice is really so great, the way she sang it is like a singing an ost in Disney. Her voice is so amazing but yeah just like what I said to Ethan the others are more better than him"

"Yeah you are right subaenim but when they are together, they made a perfect team. Their harmonization was in higher level,  I really salute them for that" Jimin said and they nodded. Jin began to play the next auditioned clip which coming from Min Jae and Min Jie

All of them clapped and stand up, they didn't expect that the twins will be performing a performance.

"That was great, wow that was just a beautiful performance" Eunji said "and it is not really an ordinary auditioned clip"

"I really love their chemistry and their voices really suited for each other" Lisa said

"Your right, I really love Min Jae's falsetto it is so wonderful, so calming and so great. I really salute him for that because not everybody can do falsetto plus he is a trainee and an Independent Trainee, that was so good" BoA said "Min Jie's voice was so great that really suited for his twin. Amazing these two will do great"

"Min Jie's rap is so cute yet so addicting" Suga said

"Wow it's my first time to heard Suga commented" J-hope joke


"Okay... The Grandpa is so angry now...." J-hope said and Suga look at him intensely and J-hope just looked down, "I'm sorry"

"But in seriousness, Her rap is not really the best, I really like more Ailee's and Deep rap but it is sound like so addicting just like what Suga said" Jackson said

"You are right subaenim and her rap really stuck unto my mind" Chanyeol said

"I really like how Min Jae's gracefully moves. It is so feminine and so satisfying to watch plus his hip move that was just **** amazing" J-hope  said

"Chemistry plus skills perfect" Bang PD said

"Okay that's it. Ladies and Gentlemen, these are the 20 trainees and I hope you will trained them more better and let's looked who can survived in the end. So who are the trainees that caught your attention?"

 So who are the trainees that caught your attention?"

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