Mini Episode 6.1: Ryun's auditioned clip

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Mini Episode 6: Ryun's Auditioned Clip

While Ryun's profile was showned, Lisa and Jennie were noisy. They were talking on how they really know, Ryun.
Jin just smiled at looking at the two. After the profile was showned, Jin began to play the video first

All of them were amazed on how Ryun's auditioned is. The way she dance captured their heart

After that almost of them did not talked. Their mouth was left open because on how amazing Ryun's performance is

"That was...."

"Sexy" Kai continue Jungkook

"Her charisma, the way she dance, the power. Just wow" J-hope said

"What do you expect from YG legendary trainee" Lisa commented "I really knows a lot about her. The management team really talked about her"

"She is a great asset from our company"

"Well all of the trainee's are the great asset from the company. It was my really own's picked to participate the survival show" Jin said

"Ahhhh That's why these trainees are all talented. You choose a great trainees hyung" Taehyung said

"You really need to debut all of them, Jin. They are all so amazing" Namjoon said

"I know but what's the purpose of this competition, if I would just debut all of them" Jin said

"Oh yeah you are right. By the way going back to the trainee, I can feel that she had this idol vibe" Chanyeol said

"I can feel it too" Sandara said "She will become great in the near future"

"The first thing that the picture was showned, I know she was quite familliar because I really saw her a lot in the magazine.". IU said

"Lisa and Jennie really so proud at her"

"Yeah. She is amazing but I cannot avoid the fact that they are all amazing. They have different talent that they can really showcase to the people" Lisa said

"Hmm you're right Lisa...

I like Perseus and Aera's writing skills. The lyrics of their song was really so catchy. The way sang was also so amazing

I like Noah's healing voice. He really soothes the audience. His voice can be everyone must heard.

I like Siwoo's control to his voice. The way he can control and the way he sang was full of emotion.

I like Deep's charisma and on how fast she can rap. Although there is still lacking, but her auditioned clip was not just a 4 month trainee. She showned beyond

The thing I like Ryun on how she can dance powerfully and so sexy. She also have charisma that can really put your attention" Bang PD said while pointing out the strenght to each trainee

"PD hyung you supposed to say that in the end" Jin said while laughing a little

"I know but I really feel like telling it"

"Hyung I'm curios what will you do to the trainees that will not win on the competition? Are they going back to their own entertainment?" Taehyung said

"You will know later on but for now let's go and have some lunch in our cafeteria"

"Oh my God thank youuuuu..... I'm so hungry" J-hope said and they all laugh

 I'm so hungry" J-hope said and they all laugh

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