Episode 4(Part4)

31 6 22

"I want to be a superstar"

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"I want to be a superstar"

"I want to be like them"

"I want to debut"


"I lied. The one that I write on my form, the background, I really lied about it. The truth is my parents really did not care for me. They just treat me as a maid not their child. They really did not know that I was casted by JYP. They did not know my talents. They just only know my name but not myself. Do you know what's hurt the most, they just only cared for me, if my 3 friends was there, but when they are not, they just treated me as if I was their slave. Maybe I am the modern Cinderella, after all" Ethan smiled bitterly and slowly his tears fall down.

All of the trainees looked at him, they were shocked. The happy go lucky guy is not really happy at all because behind of his happiness and chaoticnes, there's a sad story behind it.

Individual Interview:

Min Jie: He is my friends since childhood but I really did not know about it. He was there when I needed help but I was not there when he needed me

Min Jae: That's why... That's why I saw him sometimes crying alone in the room if there's a family day

Edg: Ethan... Why did you hide this from us?

Hyunwoo(tears falls down): I'm really sorry for crying. I did not know he would experienced this kind of pain

Kang Saera: The one who is noisy had a pain that was hidden

Adam: I understand him now and I salute him

"Okay stops this crying. Next one" Ethan said joyfully but there's still pain on his voice

"Me..." Min Jae said

"I wrote a song when I was in high school, it was my first ever written song but sadly, someone stole it and it was my classmate. Yes... for some it's okay for them but not for me, music is everything to me and that song is very important to me." He said silently then suddenly he shouted in anger "IT IS MY SONG. WHY DO THEY OWNED IT? I WROTE IT IN SWEAT, BLOOD AND TEARS, WHY??"

Edg pat his back

"I'm sorry" Min Jae said

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