Special Episode#11: Interview together with the Author

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Special Episode#11: Interview together with the Author

1...2..3..Interview Starts Now!

"???, please go to the stage"

"Yes yes director"

She walk in the stage, with a smile plastered. She has this short black hair with a highlights of brown. She is wearing this white dress and sat at the chair. 

(Note: That picture is me and yeah I covered myself again because I am too shy)

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(Note: That picture is me and yeah I covered myself again because I am too shy)

Kim So Hyun: Hello Authornim

???: Hello, Everyone hehe!

Kim So Hyun: It is your first time to reveal yourself in the public right?

???: In this world, maybe but I think I reveal my face already in one of the episodes

Kim So Hyun: So today, we will be having a question and answer portion. There are among of the readers ask questions, are you ready to answer?

???: Yes, obviously I am

Kim So Hyun: So please introduce yourself first to the readers

???: Hi, everyone! I am tomorrowitsme! My true name is quite long really, but you can call me MJ or Mae for short. I am already 20 years old and I am a Filipino. I am already a college student taking the course of Psychology. I am a predebut fan of TXT which is on the bio already and you already knows that. I'm not a multifan, wait why are you so shocked? I am not really! But I casually listen to any kpop songs so I already knew them.  Yet if Hybe Label Japan would debut then I consider myself a multi-fan. Nice to meet you everyone.

Kim So Hyun: Okay for the first question, How did you get the idea for K-camp?

MJ/Mae: Hmmm... First coming from the applyfic Team Wang and Project Stardust. Honestly  I really didn't know what is applyfic from the start, it was last year when someone tag me to join in one of the applyfic and that is Project Stardust. I'm really so curios what is this applyfic and what kind of genre it is. I did my research about it. When I joined the Project Stardust and Team Wang applyfic, it really came into my mind what if I will do the same but the difference is It will co-ed group because I really didn't see many applyfic like that when I search. Second one is the k-drama entitled Dream High. I was a fan of this drama thats why. I really wanted to write some musical and survival genre and thats why K-camp was born. At first I am doubting if I should published it, and I'm so nervous. I said to myself if it flop I will unpublish and delete but Im so grateful that there is 6 who join. I'm so happy even though there will be just 6 handler. Fun fact:  I decided it will be coming from Jinhit because obviously it is fan joke that there is entertainment called Jinhit lol so I decided to made it come true. I hope it answer

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