Welcoming Party

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its been a few says since you were forced to move in.

"looks like your legs better Missy." the reaper nurse told you. "but be carful on it or it'll sprain again."

"right..." you said looking at it. 

"mom! follow me!" Agatha said holding your hand and dragging you.

"ok, ok im coming Aga.." you smiled softly following before bumping into Malak.  "oh, You." you said trying to hide your distain. orchard was on his back asleep, looking like she hadnt slept in a while "is.. she ok?"

"she is, she just did a few things during the night, even if i aviced her not to. im just puttin her to bed." Malak told me. "i'll join the suprise in a bit." he smiled at agatha as she dragged me to a door

"stay here until daddy gets back!" she told me going in, from inside i heard... Lucky yelling about the acoustics, the monkeys and Ducks screaking, and what i thought was horses was in there. i sighed and sat by the door.

before long, Malak came back "what are you doing sitting out here?" he asked.

"Agatha told me to not come in until you came a long." you said. "and you just came so bye." you told him opening in, going in and closing it on his face. the room was open to a balcony, i went over and looked at my surroundings. the grass was very much dead, there were skellital horses roaming the grasslands, but we seemed to be on an island, instead of water there was lava, i could see some houses on the other side of the lava and there was a gentle breeze, for once i felt i was fine.

" it looks beautiful doent it?" a voice interrupted my thoughts, Malak had said it, with agatha. i sighed.

"is that party ready" i asked crossing my arms at Malak.

"indeed. we came to ask if you'd like to join our games"

"sure, sure, what ever." i said softly heading back in, there were ballons, sweets and anything else you'd expect at a fancy party.

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