this is why i hate hospitals Pt. 2

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you were going with the nurses, of course i wasnt hurt i worried for for him, for some reason i felt tired... 

"im sorry but Malak told us to put you under, hope you have a nice sleep!" 

"you sons of... bitches.." i leaned on the wall everything starting to feel weak. another nurse attempted to grab my arm bu i swatted them away and attempted to run i got a good ways a way before my body caved and fell. i was in a dark space "hello?" i asked i only receved echos "i'm alone... again." i sighed and just walked.i looked down to find a foot print... in the snow? woah...  when did it...?

"C'mon, Y/n! this way." i heard and looked, grandma, grandpa... and little me. 

"i'm coming! i wanna sled with dad!" the younger me said. i realized what this was one of the few memories where he actually took care of me and i liked him... i kept watching sitting as we sled down and looked up. i thought i saw someones eyes up there.

"mistress y/n." a familiar voice said. "as a representive of Malak ive come to ask you to join us. willingly the powers youll get is immeasurable if you marry the master. if you dont agree i will not force you but i will have to give you a mark, its not Malaks but i will be able to control you like a puppet when i'd like." she gave a small smirk, Orchard's mark would make me a puppet.

"so its a lose lose... i'd rather take the puppet thanks." i told her with a glare.

"as it shall be." the verison inside my head turned to snow and i sighed and woke up. was i in a body bag?! i opened it up and there was Soul shards around me i got out and collected as many as i could with out dying.

"y/n!" i got worried when you didnt answer me but we gotta run!" he said passing by me and taking my hand and running to where we would leave.

*after zone 2*

 ok so are we good?" i asked.

"doug yeah i think so..." he sighed before we heard roller blades. "God dam it... "

"reapers after him! dont let them reach the portal!"

"first a body bag then a cage and then this?!" i asked as a reper nurse did some spiderman moves and gave the old villian dialong and then i just pushed her off taking the syringe.

"that was cold Y/n... " he said

" hey we gotta survive right? now c'mon teleport over here." i helped by using the powers if his was out.

we got to the main entrance and ran by the other nurses there and through the portal. we looked at each other and smiled. "your the best doug..." his smile fell and he sighed. "doug?"

"huh its nothing Y/n."

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