Magic Orchard

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A new portal appeared and it was a girls face. It looked as though she was crying blood andthere were strings above her. "Alright... Doug, Tag in I can do this by my self."

"Nope comin' with you" he told me getting up. We both headed into the portal, we were greeted with an orchard. There were some rail ways above us which seemed strange. We heard something coming. Droug tried to run but was stopped by strings and strong ones at that. "I see... You are the ones Masters Malak and Agatha told me about..."a voice stated from behind us. "I request that the one known as Y/n come with me and the other I'm sorry but you have to leave them behind... Its not the first time you let someone down is it? I will give you both five minutes to collect the shades with out my presence." I looked at her, she was doll like with ivory skin and dark blue eyes who look like they'd given up a very long time ago. There were strings holding her both together and up by a two pieces of wood on the rail ways. the strings got off doug as well. The rail ways clicked and clacked as she ran another direction.

I pulled doug through the oddly shaped orchard and we collected them with in the time limit.we saw a hatch to the house saying Zone 3 exit. "Not getting through this way..." I said dragging him back though the orchard maze to the front of the house. the girl was at the top of the stairs "impressive, I do insist you come along with out any trouble... Oh and be careful of any Needles on the way to the shards." She told us she jumped up taking the two pieces of wood holding her up with her into the ceiling.

"What a strange Girl..." Beirce commented. "seems familiar but i can't put my finger in it."

We started getting the shards, we heard we heard the girl's wooden foot steps and saw the ceiling move as she tried to jump scared us... She got tangled on her self several times as she tried.

We got into an old room filled with marionettes and a broken one in a model. "That's where she's from!" Beirce exlamed. "Have you heard of the Orchard Head?"

"Yeah what about it?"doug asked.

"I think this might be very well the girl."

We got all the shards and looked for the next Zone. "Hey. girl." I said towards the ceiling. She came down as she was called she was about 4'1. "Where the Next Zone entrance?"

"As a servant to my master, I wish I could tell you but you are working for the enemy please understand but to give you a hint look for the trap door under neath something you don't expect to see in this home." She told me taking a bow and going back up into the ceiling. I sighed

"Alright what was off?" Doug asked. That's when I realized... This was the house my grandparents lived in I knew this place like the back of my hand and I didn't even realize! "Come with me."I said grabbing his hand and running towards the bear skin rug. "They never had a bear skin rug!" I ripped it off the floor and tossed it on the couch there was a trap door. I opened it and went down. There was a long message way and it was dimly lit there were crys everywhere. Doug came down as well we kept walking down the roads until something shot from the ground... Needles.

"I have been VERY patient ms. Y/n but I DO need you to come with me. Master would like some words with you as well as young Mistress Agatha." Her faded pink clothes were starting to become red and her strings as well her blue eyes became black. She snapped the strings holding her up. "I hope you run faster than I can..." She said. I started to run with doug as needles shot up at us and strings went by our face threatening to get Doug killed and me to that awful dude. We kept collecting the shards as we heard the screams of children we collected all of them and headed towards the front of the house. I got the ring piece as I saw malak on the roof. "M-Master..." The girl stuttered probably feeling like she failed.

"My love why can't you just listen and come with me, I will make sure you are the happiest with us. Whether that means Killing that man next to you or not." He jumped down to where we were and gave the girl her wooden pieces back to hold her self up... Was he always this kind..? No not the time Y/n, he violated you last time. Doug shoved me out of my thoughts as he took my wrist and started running with the girl and malak following suit. We ran through the portal. I looked back and saw the girl with her hand out to get me but with a look of realization that this was something she couldn't do... And was afraid of what's to come of her.

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