the Date Pt.1

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i was riding with Orchard in front of me. "this is the best!" she smiled.

"i know right? the wind in your hair and all that sappy junk. though its weird having a second rider in front of me. but thats mostly for your own safety." i said softly before Orchard stopped us. "what was that for? we could have gotten hurt."

"i'm sorry but this i as far as we can go... Master's rule, were free to go anywhere except over the lava.."

"whys that?" i tilted my head turning the horse around. "is that where he goes while were sleeping..?"

"if he isnt checking on Agatha or us, yes. i have no idea whats beyond there and i intend not to find out."

"alright..." i said. great i'll have to escape during the day when everyones up and that small town is my best bet... i thought. "hey a question, whens everyone ocupied usually?"

"hm... most of the day. Masters most occupied during 8-17:30 (5:30 for my american friends who dont know army time) doing paperwork which i help with if no one needs my assistance."

"thanks orchard." i said softly. i looked at the time, "great will he be pissed that were late for lunch?" i asked. she shook her head as we rode and i stopped the horse helping her down and putting her sticks i where she stand with out help. i put it back in its stable and let it rest before i heard a giggling voice. "now who could that be...? no lucky doesnt laugh like that is it the duckies?" i chuckled.

"nope its agatha!" she hugged my leg before i picked her up.

"you totally tricked me!" i smiled" its time for lunch huh? lets go." i carried her to the house and she cuddled into me... should i actually leave..? shes so happy im here... what do i have to go back to... i dont even know where i'm going... i just hope Dougs holding up with out me...

"mommy..? are you ok?" she asked.

"huh? oh yes i'm fine Aggie." i smiled softly setting her in a seat by me and orchard sat on the other side of malak. and there was no other open spots. great. i sat down and ate

"Y/n, are you ready for the date? even if its a friendship date." she smiled softly stareing at me

"oh.. yeaaah im tootally up for it." i rolled my eyes as i ate. 

"we dont have to have it today if youre not feeling up to it." he said softly. wait if i dont do it today he'll get suspicious tomorrow if im gone!

"n-no i'd rather get i done with today." i said quickly.

"really? thank you..." he smiled softly getting up since he finished. i finished after him but waited for the girls since i promiced to do something with them what they woudnt tell me.

"are you ready mommy?!" agatha asked after she finished

"very Aggie. are you coming orchard?" i asked

"yes i am. now please follow me" she said. we followed to a giantic bathroom. there were six dread duckies. and they were dirty... "is this what were doing?" i asked

"yes, theyre the quickest to get dirty but also very easy to clean." she drabbed some brushes and other things but i had gone in and was already scrubbing one clean when she offered me a hair band for my dress. i didnt care much agatha soon joined me with orchard.

it took an hour to get them cleaned... well it was mostly because we ran out of the cleaners and had to wait till the moneys found an extra bottle. i smiled as i left to put on a new dress, and there was a clean pair of my usual outfit and put it on. "better..." i checked on Malak office, where he looked up at me.

"ah i see your outfit got washed." he said. " is it two yet?"

"no but its soon. might as well start it early" i sighed. he get up and came over took my hand. and whent to the back yard... shit.

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