Chapter 3

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"You know I don't like scaring you, baby." He cooed, the anger slowly dissipating as he pulled you into his embrace. "But I have to when you act like this, and you know I'm going to have to punish you."

And with that, the dam broke. Ugly sobs broke free from your chest as the tears came flooding back. You were such a mess, such a crybaby that couldn't do anything right. You could only hope that your tears would save you from whatever pain he had in store for you.

"Jungkook, please!" You sobbed. "I was - I was scared!"

"I know baby, I know." He hummed, smoothing your hair as he cradled you to his chest. He lowered his palms to your thighs and scooped you up, carrying you much like a parent would an infant.

"You had a stressful day, didn't you? But still, I'm really mad at you baby girl and crying won't solve anything." He said, he sounded like a parent scolding their child. And much like a child, you clung to him as you wailed. In response he softly hushed you, rubbing your back as he began the walk back to the lake house.

"I'm sorry!" You croaked, burying your face in the juncture of his shoulder and neck as your tears stained his hoodie. And you were sorry because now there was a high probability he would hurt you for your actions. Maybe if you had waited then you could have found a better way to escape him without getting hurt. But you were panicked, your body thinking for you instead of your brain.

"Such a good little girl," He sighed, rubbing circles into your back. "Apologizing without me having to tell you. If you keep being my good girl, then we won't have to fight anymore."

You nodded your head rapidly, spurring light laughs from his throat. If behaving bought you time and saved your life, then you would do it. Just until you could find a way out of this if there was a way out of this.

"Are you - are you gonna hurt me?" You sniffled, your eyes clenched shut as you hid yourself from his gaze.

"Baby, I promised you I would never hurt you again. That night...that was a one-time thing. You know that, right? You know I would never hurt you?" He asked, his voice worried at the prospect that you thought he would hurt you again.

Your silence was enough of an answer.

"Oh no, my poor baby." He gasped, squeezing you tighter to him. "So that's why you've been acting this way, huh? I was too rough with you, you must still be so confused. I haven't been very attentive, have I? Don't worry, sweet girl. We'll sort this out tonight."

For the rest of the journey back, there was a heavy silence between the two of you. It was accompanied by Jungkook's soft touches and light kisses in the dark. Your little stunt seemed to only make him more affectionate than he was before, had he deluded himself into thinking this was all his fault? That he hadn't given you enough attention and that was why you ran from him? Of course, in his mind, you would never leave because you didn't want him. Only because you didn't have enough of him. The more time you spent with Jungkook, the more you realized how unstable he was. You were never sure what he was thinking, and that was scary. Never knowing what someone was going to do, that uncertainty was fear-inducing.

It wasn't long before the two of you had returned to the porch of the house, the door was still open but the screen door was shut allowing you to see into the hallway that led to the kitchen. You could make out the back of Jungkook's father and the sweet voice of his mother, singing while the clanking of pots and pans followed. If this were under different circumstances, you would find it sweet.

Jungkook still held you, his chest pressed tightly to your own. His large hands cradled the back of your thighs, you could feel his thumbs lightly swiping the expanse of flesh. He dropped his head into the crook of your neck and took a deep breath before planting a soft kiss to the smooth column of your throat. It took everything in you to hold back the shudder that wanted to shake your body.

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