Chapter 9

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He helped you into the back seat before shutting the door and sliding himself into the driver's seat. You shivered violently as you wrapped his coat around yourself tighter, you were so distracted by how cold you were, you didn't notice the child safety locks clicking on.

You didn't get a clue until the silence became heavy and the two of you were suddenly speeding by the hospital.

" just passed the hospital." You said, your trembling fingers tightening around the collar of the coat.

He only hummed in response.

"Sir, I said you passed the hospital." You repeat yourself, your heartbeat quickening in your chest.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm taking you where you need to go." He finally answered, his eyes remaining on the road.

You stayed quiet for a moment, your thoughts racing through your mind a hundred miles per hour before you realized it. He knew Seokjin.

"Let me out." You said, your voice surprisingly steady and calm. He did not respond.

"I said, let me the fuck out!" You yelled, swinging your good leg into the back of his sit over and over again before you heard him loudly swear in irritation.

"Kick the chair one more time, I fucking dare you." He spat, that gentle smile he had once shown you now long gone. In his hand was a gun, the barrel pointing directly at you. You suddenly stopped breathing, your body tensing in fear as you stared down the barrel of the gun. You had slid by death once, did you think you would be lucky enough to fool him twice? You swallowed loudly, drawing your leg back into your body as you shrunk back into the seat.

"Good choice." The man responded coolly before clicking the safety back on and returning the gun to his holster.

You were fucked.

The drive to where he was taking you, you could only assume it was to Seokjin, was taking quite a bit of time besides the fact the man drove like a fucking speed demon. You were leaving the mountains, that much you knew from watching the snowdrifts become progressively smaller and melt away. All that time, you were left to sit there with only your thoughts as company.

It was all your fault.

Had you not argued with your mother and talked back to your father, none of this would have happened. You would have never gotten into that accident, you would have never been put in the hospital, never lost your memory, and you would have never fallen into Seokjin's clutches. None of this would have happened and it was all your fault.

And, for all you knew, you could have killed your entire family.


When the car finally stopped, and the red-haired man ripped you free from the back seat, it was much warmer outside. There was a large gate behind you and a huge manor in front of you. To put it simply, you had no idea where the fuck you were.

You cried out in pain as he gripped your arm and yanked you beside him, your leg screaming in protest as you tried to match his pace. He was much taller than you with longer legs and longer strides, you wondered if you just went limp he could drag you and you wouldn't have to scurry along beside him anymore in a piss poor attempt to walk.

"Slow down, asshole," You hissed as he pulled you harder, "I broke my leg."

"Trust me, sweetheart, that is the least of your worries right now." He chuckled darkly before coming to a stop in front of a large set of doors.

"Don't run." He reminded you, tapping the holster that was concealed beneath his jacket.

You nodded quickly before finally leaning against the wall behind you. The quiet between the two of you was quickly interrupted by sharp cries echoing from the room hidden behind the set of doors. You jolted from the sound, your head swinging in the direction of the redhead. He merely shook his head before leaning it back against the wall beside you.

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